Chapter 14

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As the four of them left the Palais, Y/N immediately looked at Aether. Aether looked back at Y/N and sighed. 

"You really want to do this ?" Aether asked, Y/N nodded as Aether could only see the man's resolve in his eyes. "Neuvillette is right, you're insane." Aether said, while extending his right hand. Y/N shook his hands as he felt something sting his palm.

However, he didn't retract his hand, as Aether looked calm and collected, closing his eyes to be focused. Soon after, Y/N felt something going from his palm to his entire arm. He couldn't describe the feeling.

It was burning him, cooling it down, freezing yet warming his arm.

"So that's your Elemental Prowess, interesting." Y/N said as he moved his arm, he smiled as Aether's Elemental Power didn't stop his arm to work properly. "Checking side effects of the medicine ?" Aether asked, chuckling.

"None detected so far." Y/N said, smiling a bit. "So, I don't want to stop your little conversation, but what do we do now ?" Furina asked, looking at the sky. Aether, Y/N and Paimon followed her eyes, only to see that the Moon was rising. 

"Do we, like, let you walk somewhere as we keep an eye on you ?" Furina asked again, which Y/N nodded. "I'll walk outside of Fontaine, towards North-West. Follow me but make sure to not be too close." Y/N said, nodding to himself.

"What do we do if that thing's too fast ?" Paimon asked, looking at Y/N. "Simple, report it to Neuvillette instantly as Aether, alone, search for me." Y/N said, looking at Furina as he said the word 'alone'. 

"And if it's too strong ?" Paimon followed her question with another one. "Aether can fight it, after all he's the renowned Traveler, isn't he ?" Y/N said while snapping his eyes on the said Traveler.

For Aether, Y/N's eyes seemed to tell an hidden tale. Did Y/N know about Aether's story ? 

Did Y/N know about his part in the prophecy ?

"Of course, you can let it to me." Aether said as a way to distract him from his own thought.

"Then, let's go. We can't waste more time." Y/N said as he started to walk away.


You cannot escape the fate you were given, █████████.  

"Are we sure that it'll work ?" Paimon asked silently as Furina, Aether and herself looked Y/N walking slowly towards the green patches of grass. "I mean, I have nothing against Y/N, but what if he's wrong ?" Paimon followed right after.

"Don't know, might as well take the risk, huh Furina ?" Aether said as he quickly shot his eyes at Furina. "I still can't believe you would accept his idea so easily." Furina said, with a clear annoyance in her voice. "Unlike you, I don't harbor romantic feelings for him. But I still try to make things right." Aether said as he quickly looked at Y/N again, the man spinning on himself.

"H-How ..." Furina trailed off as she looked at Y/N, while clenching the heart's side of her bust. "Your worries are betraying you, Furina. As I said, I will do anything in my power to not let this thing touch him." Aether said, not letting Y/N go with his eyes. 

"Thanks, Aether." Furina could only thank him. "And he seemed to know about my history here." Aether simply said as Furina nodded to herself. "I'll tell him after all of this, he deserves to know." She said, looking sure of herself.

"Are you sure ? Are you willing to talk about your 'position' in that prophecy ?" Aether said, his words held little to no harsh implications. He knew that it was a complicated subject for the former Archon. 

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