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There it was.

Y/N was alone, outside, at night. Before he came to Fontaine, he had to do some gruesome things to get into the good side of the Heavenly Principles, even if her good side wasn't good. 

But then Y/N had discovered a rather utile trick. He could block his own feelings inside inanimate things. That's how he got divided in three parts as he fell in Teyvat.

Upon losing his powers, he decided to put a failsafe on the world. He decided to create two creatures, one was his powers, the other was his memories. 

Whilst the creature of his powers was savage, the creature of his memories was smart.

Thanks to that, he just had to fight one thing, and it already happened.

But, when he got his memories back, he had to do something that he'd swore to never to it again, even at the cost of his own life.

Y/N shook his head while looking at the celestial isle. "I don't need to think of that now. It's over." He said as he held his hand towards the isle. "Celestia, here I come."


"Finally, you made me wait." A female voice was heard. Deafening, powerful, he recognized the voice very well. 

Y/N kneeled on the ground, just ahead of the Heavenly Principles throne.

"I am sorry ma'am for the time wasted, but I accomplished my mission." He said, closing his eyes and sounding humble and honest.

"What was your mission again, Amartolos ?" She said while walking towards her subject. 

Amartolos, Sinner, a name engraved with him until he will find the release of death. He hated this name with a passion, reminding why his people was wiped out of Teyvat. Very few was still out and alive, only because they somehow escaped the all-seeing eyes of the Heavenly Principles.

"To bring order and fate in your hands again, ma'am." He said while he bit his tongue. He shook his head as he couldn't even think of the events of earlier. 

"And how did you do it, dear Sinner ?" She asked, she didn't even hide her sadistic glee of her voice. 

"I killed my old friends who threatened your perfect world, ma'am." Y/N said, almost crying over it as planned.

"Did you like it ?" She asked, laughing and putting her leg on top of Y/N's back. 

That was the moment he waited, a physical touch from her.

Just to enable his plan.

"Let me show you." He said as he moved his left index finger in a circle as suddenly, her leg blew up.

"You little-" The Heavenly Principles started but was soon stopped by red and golden rings around her. They were tightened enough to trap the horrible ruler.

She tried to summon her abilities, and then she looked around, but nothing came for her.

"Surprised ? That's why you wanted to destroy Khaenri'ah and its people. You knew about their advancements. They didn't need a Vision to master the most powerful ability in Teyvat. Yours." Y/N said, smirking while her smile dropped more and more.

"How can you ?! After everything I've done to you ! How can you turn against your savior !" She yelled madly. 

"YOU NEVER WERE MY SAVIOR !" Y/N yelled strongly, as a red and golden aura enveloped him.

The Heavenly Principles came from another world, in her world, they taught children to channel their feelings into their abilities to become stronger. She was different. She couldn't feel anything. 

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