Chapter 18

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Y/N could only let out a soundless sigh as he recognized the void resting all around him. It wasn't unfamiliar for him anymore. But he did have a question in mind.

'Why am I here ?' 

That thought wasn't the first time it made its way inside Y/N's brain. Then, suddenly, he felt a wave of pressure coming from everywhere near him. The pressure was significant as he couldn't even try to move or breathe.

"Here you are, A█a███l█s." A voice was heard around Y/N as the pressure died down. He could look around, but was disappointed when the landscape didn't change. 

"Don't try to find me. Not here, at least." The voice said, it wasn't a male or a female voice. In fact he couldn't feel anything in this voice apart for one thing.

The voice threw him off.

"I see that you've only acquired your lost powers." It said as it tried to stifle a laugh at the end. 'What does that mean ?' Y/N thought as he couldn't speak.

"'What does that mean ?' You're probably thinking that aren't you ?" It said, as if it could read Y/N's disturbed mind. "It only means one thing, you must retrieve your lost memories. At all cost. The H█a██n██ P█i██p███es is starting to grow impatient." The voice said, with a bit of fear laced to its words. 

"Do what you were tasked to, and bring everything back to her control." 

Y/N jolted from his sleep as his head started to hurt. He silently grunted as he felt a weight holding down his left arm. He smiled a bit to himself as his lover's peaceful face was enough to put the headache on the second plan.

But he find himself trapped, her head was holding her left arm, and he wanted to prepare breakfast as he looked at the clock. 


He sighed as for the first time, he didn't want to go to work as he remembered his dream. 

'What the hell does all of this means ?' He thought as he successfully retrieved his arm from Furina's 'grasp'. 

"You couldn't wake me up with a kiss ?" Furina said as her voice was sleepy. Y/N sighed as he wanted her to sleep a bit more. "Don't want to spoil you right at the beginning of the day." Y/N replied with a smile as he got up and stretched. A few bones popped as he grunted.

He looked at Furina and saw that her eyes were looking at a certain place. "Do I disturb you ?" He said as Furina retook control of her spirit. She blushed as she hid herself in her hands. "Come on, I'll prepare something to eat." He said as he made his way towards the kitchen. He closed the bedroom door behind him to let Furina some privacy time.

Once Y/N prepared bowls of cereals for him and Furina, he put them on the table and waited for Furina to come out. 

"You alright ?" Y/N asked from the living room. Then Furina opened the door and she smiled broadly at him. "Yeah, I still can't believe that you and I are together." Furina said as she took place at the table.

"Was that why you were 'stuck' earlier ?" Y/N said with a bit of a smile. Furina seemed surprised as he laughed. "Don't worry, I don't care." Y/N said as he took a spoonful of cereals. "You don't care if people look at you like that ?" Furina asked as she mimicked Y/N's act.

"Let me say it this way : I don't care if it's you. You're my girlfriend, Furina." He said as he smiled at her. Furina blushed a bit but smiled too. "I'll make sure to not do it too much." She said with a bit of a timid voice. "You can look whenever you see it, you need your fill don't you ?" He said as he talked with a suggestive voice. "Stop it !" Furina softly yelled as Y/N laughed.

████████ ██████████

A force outside the laws of ██████.
You can't escape it, Y/N.

"I hope you had a good rest day, Y/N." Neuvillette said as he saw his assistant and his former superior walk in the room. "Yep, I'm back in my shoes, for now." He said as he felt disturbed by the Iudex's Authority. Even if they talked about it, Y/N's instinct was still wary of Neuvillette. 

And then, Y/N had one more thing to share to Neuvillette.

"You're saying there's something else out in Fontaine ?" Neuvillette asked to Y/N, which only nodded.

'Then my feelings of being watched from that night wasn't false.' The Dragon thought. "I don't know who, or what is it, but it scared me." Y/N said. "No, I wasn't scared. It was like I couldn't escape it, whatever things I could do. I was caught in its web." He said, his voice mirrored the weight of his words.

"Similarly speaking, you were hunted." Neuvillette said, as Furina could only listen to their words, her thoughts wasn't stopping.

'It is stronger than that thing ?'  

'Will it bring danger to Fontaine ?' 

'Does it have a link with Y/N ?'

Furina wasn't scared of Y/N like that night, but she still felt shocked by the events. All the people involved in this event had one thought in common.

"It isn't from this world." Y/N's voice brought everyone attention to him. "I can't explain it. It's like when I fought the Thing. But then, it was closer to a human." He said as Neuvillette carefully listened. 

"Then we need to be careful, I will ask the Marechaussee if they can find someone they can't recognize." The Iudex said as the former Archon and the fallen man nodded. 

"If that being is like the Thing, it'll only take action if I'm involved I think. It's best that I don't try anything without a plan." Y/N said, earning the smile of Neuvillette.

"Seems like you learned a bit after all." He said as he sat down. "It helps that I know you will always have my back, sort of." Y/N smiled as he sat down.

He looked at Furina as she looked back at him, they smiled at each other as they were glad to not have secrets between each others.

But suddenly, Y/N's thought were plagued. 

'Remember your mission.'

'Do it for her highness.'

'You have a duty to do, doesn't matter if you like it or not.'

'You must bring order to her.'

He shook his head as the vermin thoughts were louder and louder. Even if he didn't want any secrets kept hidden from his friends, this one was out of the picture. He knew it was linked to his weird dreams. But couldn't talk about it.

Something was out there, and that something could alter his dreams and his thoughts.

One thing was clear to Y/N.

That thing needed to be killed. 

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