Chapter 3: Missions.

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I wake up with a annoying sound of my alarm

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I wake up with a annoying sound of my alarm. I like to be in bed all day but I also have more things to do. When I roamed around I met a peacefully sleeping figure of my Shadow, he is a very good dog but when it comes to me, he is not that good as I said before.

I get upped and walk lazily to the bathroom I did my business and hoped in the shower. I showered for good 30 minute then, I walk out of the bathroom.

I slipped in same black pants and white tank top and a black blazer. I matched it with a white canvas. I then put some silver jewelry on and did a light neutral look make up with nude red lipstick, and tied my hair in a high ponytail, and my favourite part Perfumes. I love perfume, I put some vanilla flavoured then step out of my closet.

I head downstairs only to attacked by Shadow, he licked my hands for telling me that he is starving

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I head downstairs only to attacked by Shadow, he licked my hands for telling me that he is starving. While chucking I ask to him," are you hungry my boy?" He licked my hands again then I started to walk towards kitchen and give him same kale with some cooked meat. I start to cook bacon and garlic bread for myself.

I was sitting in my dining room having my breakfast, Shadow was laying his head on lap and getting comfortable, then my phone started to ring. I looked for caller I'd but that was an unknown number, I didn't picked up, then it ring for econd time. I was getting frustrated from it I picked up the phone and yell," who the fuck are you and why are you interrupting me in between my breakfast??!!!!".

By the sudden out burst,Shadow jumped out of my lap and start growling. Then the other side person said in an scared tone," Boss, I my calling from your warehouse, we have get an Irishman stoling our weapons." I said in an normal tone," get him tie, I'll be there in 45." And with that the line got dead.

I get in one of my Mercedes Benz and get Shadow settled first the I sat and start speeding towards my warehouse.

I have almost killed 50 Irishmen of Jack's and I'm now hunting for his son Isaac Sam Smith. I'm an IT student and I m the best hacker of world. I have all information of Isaac, and I will be killing him on Wednesday. Today in Monday so I have still one day to collect more information. I'm also known as the most Ruthless and cold hearted assassin here. I torture people to death, then treat them well then torture them.

The under world of crime wanted me to join them and work with them. But no one gets to know what's my name is, and how do I look. People knows me as "CHIEF NINJA". I then pulled to the warehouse and walked out of the car followed by Shadow and I myself had my mask on and a cold eye.

well, well, well! It's going to be fun!

Hey who are you?!

Well, I'm your brain bitch.

Oh! Then okay it's going to be fun.

I walked down to the cellars and I stop by one metallic thick door, I quickly punch in the password and move ahead.

I saw there my men around one chair and to guarding the door nodding there head in respect.

They better be, otherwise I'm going to put it in plater. What do you think bitch?

The same!!

Enough talking.

Yeah, of course.

I hoped in and they all say on same time," Buon Giorno Capo"( good morning boss). I nodded my head and "Mattina"(Morning). I said in a cold stern voice.

I can see the figure of someone sitting on a chair, his hand tied back tightly with zip tie, so the legs.

I stand in front of that boy, not so old and not so young, I figured he might be in his mid twenties. He had red curl hair and his face was tone, bloody and had a black eye. He was not so tall, by seeing his figure of sitting, he might be 6 feets.

Shadow then come and scan around looking for anything suspicious, when he was assured he lay down resting his head on my feet.

He looked up at me and I smirk to myself knowing nobody knows I'm smirking. I then pull out my daggers, and not so big but sharpened, pointed edge knives.

I sat them down on the other table settle in front of him. He look up to down to me and sat his eyes on my breast, and licked his bloody busted lips .

I jolt my plam and give him a strong punch right straight to his nose, I can hear the crack sound of bone crush. Blood run through his nose and he yelled," you fucking slut, you just punched me?!"

With that Shadow start growling, showing him big, sharp teeth of his.

I looked down and said in stern voice," Shadow heal, Now!!!!!", and with that he rest his head again on his place and keep watching me and that son of bitch.

Did he just called me a slut ?!!!

Yea, I think he did!!

I give him another punch and jerked a sharped dagger in his right thigh and he screamed his lungs out,before he could process, I pull the dagger out.

I yelled," what is your fucking name?"

In fear he said," Cole."

" So Cole,who do you work for?" I asked him while wiping the blood of my dagger from a cloth.

He looked between me and dagger then said,"Jackson Smith."

"Buono"(fine), I said then turned to boys.

"Spaccargil la gola e mandare il suo carpo a Jackson."(split his throats and send his body to Jackson).

They nodded and said," Sì, capo" ( yes boss).

Woah bitch, your a short tempered, huh?

Well, I guess yess.


A/N: The translation is done from Goggle, if something is wrong, please leeme know.

So guys what do you think, how Maron will kill Isaac?? Will she get success?

Friends next chapter will be Moran house's tour.

Hope you guys enjoy!!

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