Chapter 33: "Who are you?!"

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On 19th june (a day before Maron's birthday)

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On 19th june (a day before Maron's birthday).

It's been almost two days since I had a single drop of water nor something to eat.

Why my life is so fucked up?! Why can't I live a normal life?!

I have loosen the hope. I don't think someone will come and save me.

But there are still some, I still hope my Demon and brother will come.

But am dying here. They are beating me day and night without any break or marcy.

I have multiple factures, my ribs are broken, my face and clothes are bloody.

With my thoughts, I heard steady footsteps approaching the locker room.

And in a blink of an eye, the door opened and closed.

My vision is blurry so I can't have a proper look but I can say, the person was a boy whose age might be approx 9 to 10 years.

"Umm, ma- ma'am?! Are you okay?!" He asked sitting in front of me.

I saw a water bottle in his hand, my eyes lit up but I didn't asked for it.

Instead I said, "Am fine."

"I guess your name is Lilith, right ma'am?!" He mumbled.

First of all I was shocked and stunted to speak. Because he is in very dangerous place.

And secondly, he knows my second name?! Unbelievable.

Ask his name bitch!

Why can't you shut your mouth?!

I just can't!

Shut it, I don't have energy for this nonsense.

"Ma'am?!" The boy mumbled again shaking my shoulder slowly.

"Yes, my name is Lilith. And who you might be?!" I muttered.

"My name is Jasper. Just drink this water. I know you haven't eaten nor drunk something in two days." He said, quickly.

Am damn sure, he's afraid of them. But who the hell he is?!

I just took the water and gluped the entire bottle in seconds.

No sooner than that, the door burst opened reveling Tyler standing there, completely furious.

"I told you to stay in the bedroom JASPER!!!" He yelled, taking out his gun from his waist band pointing towards the poor boy.

"Can't you be obedient?! Wanna end like your slut mother?!" He yelled again, but this time he grabbed Jasper by his hair and threw him out of the room, like a can.

"Look what is happening because of you bitch." He said slapping me across my face, I can taste something matalic in my mouth.

He then kicked me on the stomach and got out of the room slaming the door shut.

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