Chapter 20: "Let's Go!"

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I kissed her!!?

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I kissed her!!?

Am I for real?!!

I screamed to my self.

But she didn't even flinch. She kissed me with same domination.

I bit her soft lips, asking for entrance. That she gave me happily. I explored every single inch of her mouth.

When we pulled back, we both catching our breathe as I looked at her.

"I know, you were lying. That's why I kissed you." I said.

She just nodded her head in approval.

"Why did you ran away?!" I asked in a serious tone.

"Because.. because, I just wanted to kill my parents killer. That's it!!!!" She semi-yelled.

"Okay, I totally understand that. Now, let's go."

"Where do you want me to go?!!" She asked in confusion.

"To my home, to our home bambina." I said in a hushed vioce.

"Of course not!! I'm not going anywhere." She said simply.

"Oh really, are you kidding me?!" I asked in a sarcastic to tone.

"No, I'm not kidding." She replied.

"Let me check myself." I said and picked her up in bride style.

"Oyiii!! Just put me down!! I'll kill you if you won't!!" She said while hitting my chest playfully.

"Are you willing to climb down?!" I asked while rising an eyebrow.

"I guess, not now." She said while snuggling her head in my chest.

I walked to her bed and get lied our self on it.

As soon as I get lied, she start kissing me. I was on top of, but still holding myself back. Because I don't want to break my bambina.

I kissed her lips along with her jaw, and neck.

I removed my shirt and start unbottoing her blouse.

I looked up at her, and asked," do I have permission??!"

Her cheeks are in deep shade of red now. She just nodded her head.

"Words, my love." I said, playing with her bra strip.

"Yeah." She said desperately.

I'm looking at her, I know she want to say something.

"What is it, my love?!" I asked.

"Umm..  it's nothing." She said, biting her lips.

"Just say it already!!" I said eagerly.

"First promise me you won't tease me." She said put her pinky finger out for me.

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