Chapter 21: "Letter."

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"Demon!! Demon!! Get up you big boy!!" I heard a sweet voice of my baby

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"Demon!! Demon!! Get up you big boy!!" I heard a sweet voice of my baby.

"Hmm... Just two minutes more, please." I said trying to open my eyes.

"It's already 10:45 pm!!" She semi-yelled.

"So what!? It's so comfy here, let me sleep." I said snuggling more in her soft pillow.

What a smell, she smells so sweet!!

"Okay, I'm going in the kitchen. You can come when you're up." She said as I heard the door opened and then get shut.

I roamed around on the bed for good 15 minutes and then sat on the bed.

I can smelled a great aroma of food, as my stomach growled. And Italian music playing in the room.

I think, I need something to eat. I'm starving.

I then walked to the bathroom, did my buisness, washed my face and got out.

I don't have any clothes, so I can't change them.

I walked to the kitchen as I see the perfect figure of her's. She is humming the music along.


A voice shout in my mind.

I know. She is mine. All mine.

I leaned on the door frame of the kitchen door and got lost in her.

She was making pancakes and the other stove, she was cooking bacon.

And suddenly, our eyes met.

Ohh God!! My heart skiped the beat.

Her toned face, perfect plam lips, dark grey eyes with big lashes and her hairs. Her hair was tied in a low massy bun, and two strands of her now reddish coloured hair was on her face. Perfect!!

Her personality screams PERFACT!!!

"What are you doing, staring is bad. You lover boy." She said.

"Only for you bambina." I replied and walked to her, I snaked my arms around her waist and snuggled in crook of  her neck.

She leaned closer to me and asked,"uh, by the way, how is my Shadow?"

What do I say now?!!

"Actually bambina, Shadow is no more." I said in a convening way.

I hope she understands.

She immediately turned around and stand face to face. I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"Baby, he was extremely ill when you left us behind. He wasn't ready to believe that you left us.

He stopped to play, eat and everything. I tried my best to keep him sefe, to keep him healthy for you my bambina, for you." And with my last word, I hugged her as tight as I could.

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