Chapter 6: The Encounter.

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When I open the door, Isaac was laying on the bed

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When I open the door, Isaac was laying on the bed. On top of him a girl in black was sitting, punching him there and their like a punching bag. When she gazed me she drop off and turned to me.

I point the gun to her and she pull out her cerakote and and point towards me.

Her eyes was dark grey and her face was covered with black mask.

I get it now, how stupid I'm. She is, the Chief Ninja.

Before I could process, she called," drop your gun, now."

I then drop my gun to floor and put my hands up in surrender. I chuckle and said,"so,your the chief ninja?"

"Sì, what are you doing here?, aren't you the don of Italian mafia?" She said, still pointing the gun to me. Isaac is now laying unconscious.

She is good with her work, I must say that.

"Yeah. Well, I'm.

I'm here to kill that motherfucker."

"Why?" She ask with curiosity and confusion in voice.

"That's none of your business." I said in irrigation.

With that she shot me on the knees and, Isaac in between his eyes and without wasting other time, she jump out of the window.

I groaned in pain and listen the tiles clicking, every one was now in the room. They saw me and Sebastian yell," get the fucking car ready, now."

They help me to get up and make way to the car. When they made me sit in the car, I hissed in pain and tug to my seat. We speed to the main house.

Emilio was driving the car, and Sebastian was sitting beside me and Nikolai was sitting in the passenger seat.

Breaking the complete silence, Nikolai asked,"bro what happened there, how did you end up like this?"

"Chief ninja have did this," I said, "she was there to kill Isaac."

"WHAT?" they all sanp at me.

"Yeah I'm just telling you guys the truth."

"Why she want Isaac death?" Said Emilio.

"I don't know, I think we have to dig more about her."

"Yeah, I'll talk to Lucas about this." Nikolai said.



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