Chapter 9: "Why??"

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I walked out of his office making way back to Mr

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I walked out of his office making way back to Mr. De Luca (Nathan).

Why he is so interested in my past!??


"Why and whom your cursing dear??" Asked Mr. De Luca.

Oh shit, fuck me. I said it out loud.

"No one, sir." I said little embarrassed.

"Oh really, don't you think your lying, you were cursing me?" A familiar voice said from behind.

Here we go again.

"Of course not Mr. Demon, why I'll curse the crime lord. Isn't it too dangerous for me??" I said in a hushed tone.

"Is that so??!" He asked.

Why he always ask that, this is so irritating.

Tolerate it bitch.

Never, and now shut your bloody mouth.

"vete a la mierda."(fuck you) I said in Mexican.

Yeah, yeah I know what your thinking. I know almost 6 languages. (French, Spanish, Mexican, Italian, Irish and Russian)

Uncle Enzo taught me.

"What did you said??" He asked in confusion.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"I'll find out." He said a bit annoyed.

"As you wish." I said and turn around only to see four men watching me like the have seen a ghost.

"What??!" I semi yelled. It's to rude to yell at someone else's home.

"Nothing just we are enjoying two educated people arguing, you both are way too dump." Mr. De Luca said.

God this is so embarrassing.

My cheek turned in deep red shade.

"Mr. De Luca, the thing is.." I didn't even finished my sentence as Demon's little brother, Sebastian entrapped me.

"Guys if you are finish arguing, we can go to have supper I guess." He said.

"Okay." We both said at the same time.

I looked at him only to see he is already looking at me.

"Yeah then, let's go." Emilio said.

We walked to dinning room and I sat across to Demon. Emilio on my right side and Nikolai was on my left side. While Sebastian sit next to Demon.

Mr. De Luca sat on the head chair.

Of course he will you stupid, he is the head of the family.

I know.

Now focus.


And I made my cold face again.


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