Chapter 27: "Yes, It's me."

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"So, shall we leave now?!" I asked handing her my hand to stand up from her place

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"So, shall we leave now?!" I asked handing her my hand to stand up from her place.

"Sure." She said and we depart towards living room.

"Woah!! Everyone is sitting here." She murmured.

"Yeah, seems so." I answered.

"Dad, they're here." Quinn said.

"Oh, Ciao Principessa." Dad greeted, standing up from his place.

"Ciao Dad!" She cheered and walked fastly towards dad.

"Maron, be careful. You'll get trapped in your dress and might fall down." I said in worried voice.

"I will not!" She said.

"Okay." I said quietly.

Dad took her hand in his and said," your looking gorgeous dear."

She smiled and said," Thank you dad. It's an honour to get complimented by you."

He laughed and somehow took two box out from his coat's pocket.

"Principessa, this is for you and my Doll (Quinn) this is for you." And hand over them to there to be masters.

"What is this Dad?!" Quinn asked.

"Open it." Uttered Dad.

They opened there boxes and there was beautiful dimond bracelet for them.

Quinn's bracelet was heart shaped while Maron's bracelet was drop and circle dimond shape.

Quinn's bracelet was heart shaped while Maron's bracelet was drop and circle dimond shape

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[Quinn's bracelet 👆🏻]

[Quinn's bracelet 👆🏻]

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