Chapter 11: "My Sister"

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When Maron opened the door, I saw my sister's unconscious figure lying there

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When Maron opened the door, I saw my sister's unconscious figure lying there.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK!!??" I yelled running towards her.

"What happened Demon, do you know her??!" She asked confused.

"Of course I know her, she is my sister!!" I yelled tears running through my cheeks.

"What happened to you Quinn, please open your eyes, for fuck sake!" I mumbled holding her hand in mine.

"Demon, my love calm down, she is okay. You can take her home back." She said walking towards me.

"Why did they shot her, she is my baby sister." I said still tears running through my face.

She hugged me and whisper my ears," baby, she will be alright. She is strong, let's take her to your home. "

I looked into her eyes as she wipe the tears with her thump.

"It's okay, she is tough girl. Let's go." She said.

"Okay." I mumbled.

"Fine, let me get changed I can't go to your place like this." She said with a soft smile.

She goes to bathroom and after 10 minutes she come back.

She is wearing a black oversized t-shirt with black pant. With Nike's black and white sneakers.

Don't forget her mask and cap but instead of black mask, today she is wearing white mask. Her hair was on display today.

When she come near and stand next to me, I could small her apple perfume

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When she come near and stand next to me, I could small her apple perfume.

She smells so good every day.

She slide she mask down and whisper," staring is bad thing lover boy."

Oh God!! I love her so much.

Did I say I love her??

Yeah, I think I'm falling in love her.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Now let's go, let me pick her up." I said turning to Kylie.

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