Chapter 19: "Really?!"

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We are sitting in conference room, waiting for Bradly. At that instant, the door opened and Bradly walked in.

As always looking so cool, like his father. He walk towards me and hugged me, I hugged him back.

He greet everyone and get settled on a chair beside me.

"Why did you call me here Demon?!!" Bradly asked.

I hand him the newspaper, as his eyes got wider.

Exactly like what my expression was.

"Isn't it Maron's picture?!" He said in full confusion.

"We think so, but her name is Amara. She looks exactly like Maron." Explained Sebs.

"Really?! The girl is Maron. She looks exactly like her two copy!!"

"Bradly, keep an eye on this girl named Amara. I want every single details of her life. Her past, present everything." I said in a serious tone.

"Okay, I'll do that." Said Bradly.

"Kylie and Nick will go there as a couple. And you both will also keep an eye on her. Understood?!" I asked.

"Yes!" They semi-yelled.

"Okay, dismissed." I said and walked out of room.

I will go there myself and check.

I fucking want her back to me. lf I get her and she tried to run way again from me. I'll band her over my desk and spank her until her pussy got purple.


I woke up and showered and wear a black t-shirt with black jeans and also a black full length coat

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I woke up and showered and wear a black t-shirt with black jeans and also a black full length coat. Matching with white canvas.

 Matching with white canvas

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