Chapter 16: "What?!"

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I was sitting in conference room listening what Lio is saying but I'm in another thoughts

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I was sitting in conference room listening what Lio is saying but I'm in another thoughts.

The thought where me and Maron are together.

At that instant, Nick came and whispered in my ear," Demon, Jackson have kidnapped Maron." The words ringed in my ear.

As soon I heard that, I stand up from my seat and yelled,"are you in your sense Nick, what the fuck your saying??!!"

I can't live without her; this can't happen.

No, No, noooo!!!

"Of course Demon, why I'll do this dirty joke. She is like my baby sister." He said.

Wait a second, how did he get to know??

Ask him you basterd! A voice in my mind said to me.

"But, how do you know about this??!" I asked.

"She called me." He said while showing me his phone call history.

"But why didn't she called me?!" I yelled while taking out my phone from my pant's pocket.

What the fuck! She have called me for 6 times.

"Where is she?!" I yelled.

"She told me she have a tracking divice in her watch but before she could say any other word, I heard a voice of slapping. I think Jackson have slapped her. The thought is boiling my blood." He explained.

"Just fucking call the Luca, and get ready the car!!!" I yelled at Sebs.

Why the fuck he kidnapped her?? Where was she when she got kidnapped???

We all sat in the car and the car speed off. "Demon, where is her dog, Shadow?" Sebs asked.

He have a point.

"Nick, did she mentioned about Shadow?" I turn behind from my seat and asked him.

"No Demon, she didn't mention anything about him." He said while shrugging his shoulder.

"Shadow might be at her home Demon." Lio said while taking the turn of our main house.

"Okay, we will visit her house today. But for now, we will go home and look for her location." Said Nick.

"Okay." We all Jinx.

Please God, keep my baby safe. Please, I beg you.

We pulled to our main door as I run, yes I literally run into my house.

I reached in living room where I see Luca sitting on couch with my Dad and Quinn.

"Figlio (son)." My dad said and walked towards me and embraced me a hug, patting my back in fixed motion.

I love my dad very much, he never blamed us for anything. He always treated us very well. After my mom's death, he was heart broken, but he never harmed any of us. He is perfect for me.

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