Chapter 17: "I'm not the Chief Ninja."

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What will I do now??!

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What will I do now??!

Bitch stop crying and do something!!

I'm already too much in pain to do something!!

Okay, cool, think something please. I can't live here forver for God's sake!!

Where is Demon??!

I was just thinking that as the door opened again.

It's again!!

Jackson walked in with a food plate in his hand and said," what are you doing girl!?"

He placed the plate in front of me and I kicked the plate away.

I won't eat that basterd's food!!!

"How dare you, you bitch?!" He screamed and punched me on face.

My head jerked, but this time I didn't screamed and cry, I laughed like a manic.

He got confused because of my behaviour. As he asked," why are laughing, what you found so funny?!"

"I laughed because of your stupidity!!" I said breathlessly.

"What?!" He yelled, anger is now visible in his eyes.

"I'm not the Chief Ninja!!" I said and start laughing again.

"Then who are you??" He asked with full confusion.

"I'm Lia." I lied.

You lied?!

Of course, but according to my I'd right now I'm having, I'm Lia Bianchi.

Well, well played!

Thank you.

"What the fuck your saying?!" He yelled.

"I'm saying the only truth right now." I said simply.

"This is lie, your lying to me to get free yourself." He said.

"Why I'll lie to you, you can check my I'd." I said with full confidence.

With that, he looked here and there in my pants to find my wallet. As he get that, he quickly grabbed my I'd and read what was written on that.

"So, your actually Lia Lorenzo Bianchi?!!" He asked rising an eyebrow.

"Yes, and I really don't know about this bullshit." I said.

"Okay." He said while opening my hands.

Wrong move.

As he opened my hands, I grabbed the dagger, I have in my bra. And jarked that on his Jugular vein (neck's main vein).

He let out a ear splitting scream and fell down to the ground.

I watch his life less body lying in front of me and listen the running voices approaching me.

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