Chapter 5: The Planning.

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I'm sitting in my office, searching a way to destroy Irish mafia,while my brother Emilio, and my second brother Sebastian is arguing about what is best in between Lasagna and Spaghetti

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I'm sitting in my office, searching a way to destroy Irish mafia,while my brother Emilio, and my second brother Sebastian is arguing about what is best in between Lasagna and Spaghetti.

I'm now getting fury by there childish behaviour, I roared,"potete chiudere entrambi quella maledetta bocca, prima chi ve tagli la lingua."(can you both can shut your bloody mouth, before i cut out your tongue).

Now they both have stopped fighting and looking at me like they both can eat me alive. At that instant the door opend and burst in angry looking Nikolai with laptop in his hands.

He make him settled on the chain across my table and with tage in his eye he said," Demon, Jackson is hiding his son in one of his hidden warehouse in Rome."

Along with him I uttered," call all the men in conference room right now."

"Sì, capo."(yes, boss) they all jinx and break out of the office.

I will make him suffer for rest of his life, the way he haved killed my mother, and take away my Bestfriend, and haved make her parents suffer just like that. I will kill him after torturing him for ages.

He killed my most favourite Zio and Zia (uncle and aunt) in front of me and shot my Bestfriend in shoulder, on her birthday. Thinking of that day make my blood boil.

A knock interrupt my thoughts and I say in a serious tone,"come in".

"Capo, the conference is ready to go."


I make my way towards the conference room and enter. They all stand upped in respect bowing their heads expect Emilio, Sebastian and Nikolai.

I make way out to my chair, the chair head and nodded my head and sit down. I said in a stern cold voice," we'll be attacking the Rome warehouse of Jackson to get rid of his son, today at 8pm sharp. Every one get your weapons ready and also load the vehicles. Licenziato(dismissed)."

I walked outside of the building and move to the parking area. I sit in my black Audi and speed to my main house.

I'm still searching for my childhood Bestfriend, Lilith. She was my only friend and always favourite. My Mom and my Anut always joke around about our wedding.

They had the same dream to watch me and Lilith get married. Her father was my Dad's very good and loyal friend.

We were more then neighbours. The girl was so short tempered, if same one takes her toy just for a second, she screams her lungs out. She had dark grey eyes and black ink hair. Her skin toned, just like ice.

With that I pulled to the main house. I walked in and meet my Dad in living room with his laptop. He observed me and make his towards me.

I give share a hug and my dad said," have you get update?", I narrowed my eyes in confusion and asked," what are you talking about dad?"

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