Chapter 34: Healing.

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After 3 months:

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After 3 months:

It's been almost 3 long months since my bambina is in coma.

Yeah, she's in coma. Her ribs were broken, multiple of her bones were factured and she have lost very blood that time.

They beat her everytime they wanted to. She baer all of that alone.

And this fact break my heart into million small pieces.

Currently am sitting next to her laying figure in her house. I still have hopes, hopes where we're married. Hopes where we have a family. Hopes where we're happy.

Set of tears left my eyes when I heard someone sighing behind me.

It was B. Bradly and Ms. Ava. They both are in love but are afraid to tell eachother.

"Demon, I think you should go home and get freshen up, just look at yourself man! What have you done with yourself?!!" B. Bradly uttered.

"What is wrong with me? Am perfectly fine." I murmured slowly.

"You look so pale, you have been eating less lately. So you want to make Maron regret your health when she wakes up?!" Ms. Ava asked with concern.


Bradly's POV:

"You look so pale, you have been eating less lately. So you want to make Maron regret your health when she wakes up?!" Ava asked with concern.

I know he's in dealimma because of my baby sister's health. Although Ava is correct.

He is looking so pale, he's weight seems to be lost. He have started to eat less or less.

He always look tired, her facial hairs are now grown longer. He's no longer the Demon we used to know.

"Demon, my brother! You should go home, we'll take good care of her for you for God's sake!" I roared, knowing he would listen to me now.

"Okay, am leaving but will be back in 1 hour. Take good care of my love for me please." He mumbled slowly and left the room.

No sooner than he left, Ava said,"Bradly, don't you think Maron should wake up now?!"

"Yes, she should wake up. But how?! For what?! At what cost?! We all failed to protect her." I said bitterly.

"I know." She uttered and goes to sit on the sofa.

I took seat where Demon was sitting a while ago and stared at my baby sister's pale face.

Suddenly my eye caught her hands. Her fingers seem to be move a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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