Chapter 28: "Work as a mole?!"

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I enjoyed the bloody drama which was created by my bambina

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I enjoyed the bloody drama which was created by my bambina.

The fucker deserves that. He dared to call her a slut.

No sooner than that, dad came and then Zippel.

What he told us was boiling my blood to death. I wanted to rip his tongue out.

When he left, his daughter walked in with my hacker, Luca.

I feel bad for him. He is like my younger brother.

And yeah that's when I lost it.

She was wearing a silver short dress.

She gazed at us and gave us a terrible smile.

Yeah, it is terrible for me. Cause I know where she belongs from.

She said," Hi guys."

We all know who she is accept Maron and Quinn.

We didn't uttered a single word while Maron said,"Hi."

My face was red from rage. I don't want to be here anymore.

I scoffed and said," bambina, we should leave now."

"But wh--" she responded but I didn't let her finish.

"We'll continue this chat at home." I roared.

"Sure." She said sadly, and we depart towards exit.

When I got to the car I looked behind only to see her standing at the exit. Her facial expressions telling me she'll cry out any time.

My eyes softened, I took steady steps towards her.

I stood in front of her. She is looking at me with most doe and puppy eyes ever.

Before I could give her any explanation, she started.

"Your so rude to me. What did I have done now?! You ruined my day, my outfit, my makeup, my mood, my time, my---"

I didn't let her finish her sentance and kissed her.

My one hand behind her neck and other at waist, pulling her impossibly more closer.

She stood there, without wasting time she kissed me back.

Putting her hands on my chest. Our tongues danced together. For the first time, I gave her lead gladly which she took.

We had the most long passionate kiss ever.

We pulled apart, breathing heavily. Our lips were red.

"Your gonna drive me crazy my love." I said.

"This won't do, I want a big bowl of ice cream, NOW!" She ordered.

I chuckled at her behaviour, I took her in my arms close to my chest, her perfect legs going behind my tarso as I said,"Yes ma'am, right away."

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