
340 22 38

< - felix | changbin - >

The buff hot guy

Unknown no.
Yes, love?

The buff hot guy

Unknown no.

The buff hot guy
Okay, let me just ask
What's your name

Unknown no.
Curious much ? ;)

The buff hot guy
I still have u as 'unknown no.'

Unknown no.
You can change it to 'your baby boy'
You have my permission!!

The buff hot guy
Baby boy what-
I don't have a daddy kink

Unknown no.
Didn't say u did......sus
But you sure you don't?

The buff hot guy
Yeah I don't

Unknown no.

The buff hot guy
You're weird...

Unknown no.
Thx, I get that a lot

That buff hot guy
And how is that a good thing ?

Unknown no.
It is how I take it as
As I have decided to take it as a good thing

That buff hot guy
Got it..

Unknown no.
Seen 3:27pm

A | N

The texting chapter are so small, I know I know

But I just love writing it short- but it gets bigger? I think so?

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