
301 21 24

< - changbin | felix - >

The buff hot guy
That got nowhere yesterday
just tell me your name pls?

Unknown no.
Fineee, you can call me lix
Whats your name ?

The buff hot guy
Just lix? Is that a nickname..?
Also thought u knew me

Unknown no.
Maybe..that's all u get for now ;)
I do, just want you to say it

/ 'The buff hot guy' saved your contact name as 'lix' /

The buff hot guy
Ok...im changbin

You sure that's your name??

The buff hot guy
Yeah I'm sure what my name is, lix

I see we are calling by names now, binnie

The buff hot guy
That's what names are for
N binnie..?

Yes, it's a cute nickname for a cutie

/ 'Lix' changed your contact name from 'the hot buff guy' to 'cutie binnie' /

cutie binnie
Imma leave

Telling me before leaving??
Are u sure u aren't in love with me??

You aren't coming back are you..
Seen 11:24am

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