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I wait outside the entrance for han. He runs pushing people and tripping over almost falling, I stare at him in confusion. Who charged him up from the last time I saw him.

He reachs me and taps my shoulders two times grabbing my attention as if he didn't have my attention already. He breaths fast gasping for air, he still looks still like he is in a hurry.

"Hey lix, I'm so sorry but lino-hyung Is picking me up and he is here already. He is still a bit sick but I'll scold him on your behalf too, okay?" he says and I sigh, i guessed he didn't run all the way for me. It was obvious to me.

"Oh great, you are leaving me for your boyfriend, Again" I say giving him a sarcastic smile "you know what just hurry up and go" i say genuinely.

"You don't wanna come with us? I don't mind u in my house you know" he asks and i know he adds the last part with an evil smile to tease me "Can't today, have a good time though" I say. "I will, lix" he says giving me a wink and I roll my eyes at that. "let's hangout this weekend, okay?" He talks again. "sure" i reply in a weary voice.

I watch as han looks around, his eyes wandering for his boyfriend, he smiles as he looks at his smiling boyfriend back at him from a distance. I roll my eyes at them again. We say our byes and he walks away slowly eyeing minho with a wide smile.

I turn to go my way but i remember something so I turn back at han and yell his name out really loud for him to hear "HAN JISUNG" he turns back immediately with a puzzled look. "DONT FORGET TO TEXT ME, YOU KNOW WHY" I yell my words again, he nods understanding me and I make my way home.

I hit the bed as soon as I get home. Had to get ready early and make my way out of my college door because of han, I fall asleep ignoring my work. I'll get to them later.

I wake up to a text. I growl at that sound but I realise it's probably from my best friend. I sit up fast and get my phone out of my pocket, smile appearing on my face as I see that it is indeed him. He didn't forget it, thank god

< — han | felix — >

[Contact attached]
Here is that guys no.

Other info about him????

You don't expect me to just text him right???

You did not just leave me like that
Shit head, you did

You leave me no option
I blame it on you for what I'll do now

A | N

I have read it so many times and made changes so many times ....🧍‍♀️

my mood swiching fast from liking it and not liking it, does not help :)

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