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while we wait i decide we could talk more. I want to be fully honest with him. we can move forward from what we have if we do so, right? "You know I was really nevous to meet you" I say as my cheeks glow pink.

He seems to be taken back a little by my direct words. "It's the same for me, I had my friends, hyunjin and seungmin help me with my outfit, they picked this simple one as they flirted before me" he replies as he cracks up remembering it.

"Oh, poor you. I avoid that because of my lack of friends" i say in a playful tone. "Chan has never had me third weel him, might happen in the future though" i talk again.

"Im technicaly your friend at the moment but I can fouth weel with you if that ever happens" he says clearly not wanting to touch that we could be more then that in the future.

"Well that or it could be like a double date" I say, again being to direct making the other redden at the process.

"Hyungg!" The younger whines and i find it cute. Everything about him is just cute.

I laugh hard at that, covering my mouth as I do so. "Just saying it's possible. I can see it being possible, lix"

"It's supposed to be me who should make the other person run away" he mutters under his breath but I hear it.

"Run away?? What did i do─" i panic but he cuts me explaining. "You gonna make me run away blushing if you continue being this honest" he says blushing, puting his head down to hide the blush.

"Lix, look up. I wanna see you" I say and he listens immediately and he looks up at me locking eye contact.

"Oh gosh, you're so cute. Blush lighting your freckles up is the cutest sight I have seen" i compliment him and smiley widely at the person in front of me which is felix.

He flushs up more but doesn't look away, maintaining the eye contact. "You compliment me too much" he says and follows a chuckle.

"Get used to it, cutie" I say winking. It's a normal word in our chatting but it's the first time in real life. I say it purposefully wanting to see more of blushing felix.

"Hyungg! You can't called me that in real life!!" He says as blush fills his cheeks again, giving me the result i wanted.

"I can and I just did" i say throwing another wink "Im hitting on you, you told me winking equals to that" i say.

He leans in a little bit and he hits me on the chest lightly. "Stop it, hyung" he looks away and crosses his arms and says "I know you're hitting on me"

A | N -

They are a blushing mess but exactly what I wanted to go for ;)

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