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Our foods gets severed. we talk in between as we eat and returning genuine smiles.

After we are done eating, we make our way to the front to pay for the food. I volunteer to pay as I was the one who asked him out and it's only fair if I pay. felix doesn't agree right away, 'im playing for the next date then' he says letting go of it later.

I think to how chan was so right, he somehow always is. I always thought 'love' was always exaggerated by people but I might have been wrong.

Even though this is just the start of something called 'love' i would say, maybe not even the start for now but it just feels right.

After we're done eating I can sense the change, we both want this to last longer. As we are outside the restaurant, i speak "felix.." I look into his eyes as I say.

"Yeah? This somehow seemed like too little time for us" he says, giving me a mid smile which was taken over after we got out of the table. "I know, we can meet soon you know.." I say.

"Hmm..I know, i hope that's really soon though" he replies "I better make my to go to the bus stop now or I might miss the bus" he talks again.

I nods as I say "I hope it's really soon too" "go before u miss the bus, lix" he hums before we say our goodbyes to each other.

After lix is out of my sight, i pull out my phone and send chan a text.

< — Chan | Changbin — >

This was the best date ever
moreover is was definitely the best company you

Never thought I'll be saying this
And it's what u thought I'll be saying :)

As I reached home, chan replies.

Knew it was coming soon :)
Changbin, you grew up so fast *tears up*

Quit being dramatic, father 🙄

A | N -

I always make the characters leave in a hurry lol-

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