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As I get a message from my friend that they are just around the corner, I get up as I tell changbin-hyung the same thing.

Once again the feeling of not wanting to let go raises but nonetheless we walk our way to the door. we walk in the same pace, taking small steps. eyes fixed taking all we can with the slight time we have.

As we reach the door, i walk out and face him to say our goodbyes. He steps out with me shuting the door behind him.

"A hug before you leave?" he asks and i beam a laugh at that as I take in the hug. "You didn't have to ask, you can just go for it and I'll not deny it, hyung" I say as I hear his throbbing heart, Im sure mine matches his.

I laugh for no reason as I take in the sound of just our heart betting, he laughs, finding it funny I bet. "Did i over charge you?, Lix" he asks and i don't have to look to know he is smirking as he says that.

"Shut up, hyung— and don't tell me to make you shut you up cause I'll slap this hand I have wrapped around you on your mouth" I say confidently knowing his next words and he laughs hard before pulling out of the hug that one both of us didn't want to break from but had to.

"You know we so well, is this the time to propose?" He asks jokingly and i smile remembering the time I told him to show him how he will propose and so did he, clearly why he brought it up.

"Stop throwing my words at me, i remember them crystal clear, hyung" I say. "Ignoring the question aren't you?" He asks with that stupid smirk again and i roll my eyes at him.

"Is this the right time to tell you that your friends have arrived?" He says as he takes another look before he looks at me again "this one guy is peeking his whole head out with his widened eyes, that's han right?" he says as his eyes leaves to point at my friends and i turn taking that sight.

"Well, shit—" i say as I blush, realising my friends saw all of this probably. I swing my head back to look at changbin-hyung. "Yeah, that's han" I say with a chuckle.

We both say our byes and i make my way towards my three friends, han still staring at me in shock from the back seat and the other two sat in the front, their eyes on me too.

Before I get in i let my eyes meet a waving changbin holding a smile and I return them back before i get in the car. waves still passed back and forth till we lose sight of the other.

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