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As we reach his house i realise how much I don't know about him. He stays in a house near college knew that few days before but he never told me it was a big one like this, i assumed again i guess.

The house is fancy so I know that his parents are well off by the look of that. I don't ask to make sure as it doesn't matter.

As we both stand out the front door as he pulls out his key from his front pocket and opens the door. He steps to the side looking at me, wanting me to step in first and i do. He makes his way in swiftly.

He switchs on few of the lights making me take a glance at all the furniture, it has both a light and a dark theme going on but it looks absolutely stunning.

"The furniture and about everything here is my mom's choice" he says making me flinch a little, removing me from my own thoughts.

"Oh.." i reply bluntly. "Hmm, Anyways you can take a seat in the sofa" he says before making his way towards the kitchen.

I hesitate to sit down, wanting to help. "down for a cozy movie date?" he shouts loud enough for me to hear him from the living room.

I make my way to the the kitchen. "Lix-" He shouts a little higher than last time. I walk in right after he calls my name. his attention moves to me, giving me a smile.

"hyung, I wanna help" I say looking at him, reaching out to snacks in the cabin. "There is no help needed- wait actually help me pick what u want to have while we watch a movie" he says and i move towards him to see what he's got.

I pull out few to see what it is and put back the onces i reject. He takes the rejected ones choosing from that, giving me the first choice to choose.

I let out a scoff, "hyungg" i say, he immediately answers me knowing why I called out. "Im fine with about anything, that's why I'm letting u pick lix" he says laughing a little, I hand him a smile in return.

Our hands slightly brush against each other from time to time because of the lack of space between us causing us take glances at the other as we grin.

"You have got no popcorn?" I ask, "I think I have a bagged one, let's see" he replies. We both look for it and we fail to spot it so we settle for just some chips.

We gather the chips we have picked and make our way to the living room. While I make my way to the couch straight, he makes his approach for the remote before setting near me.

A | N -

Came online just to post two chapters hehe

Idk why this chapter needed to be a separate chapter but too late to change it

And we will get more changlix moments soon~

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