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(In the call)

< — changbin | felix — >

"Hey lix"

"Uhmm— hey"

"God, I don't think I can ever get used to your voice"

"It's not bad is—"
I get cut off by him.

"No, ofc not. I love it.. if you want me to repeat that to you million times, I'll do that" he says.


"Did u just choke cause of the compliment?" He says and I know there is a smirk dancing on his face right now.

"NO, I have a cold"

"I know you're lying but don't sleep on the cold floor with the blanket or not"
He says with a clear concern with his voice.

"get up, it's not that hard"
He let's out a soft laugh.

"It is hard, hyung"

"I guess you have to come pick me up and put me on my bed" I say to tease him.

"I can do that"

"Or I'll stay here on the floor all night"
I say with a laughter as i continue on
with the teaseing.

Wait what— what did u just say??
The words of the other reachs me and i blur out the words in shock, wanting him to repeat it.

"I said I can, lix"
He says repeat the words i thought I misheard.

"You can't, stop lying!!"

"You lying is not good for me, u made my heart almost jump out" i say still not believing it a single bit.

"Who said I'm lying?
And stop being so cute or my heart will jump out"

"You keep throwing my words back
You don't get to do that.."

"But you can? not fair ...but you don't want me there..? I have nothing to do so I can just spent the night with you"

I smile widely as I hear those words for him, making me forget to give a reply

"Lix..?" He calls out

"Uhmm sure, I mean of course I want you here. You sure though? Don't want to be a hassle"

"No, I'm completely free right now
Just send me the location and I'll be there"

"Wait.. you live in a dorm right? I have sneak my way in right?"

"Oh shit- I'm sorry for cursing but uhh yeah? Will you be okay with that hyun—"

"I can do that.. for you, and you dont have to say sorry for cursing lix, can u stop being this cute?"

"I don't see how that's cute but okay then, I'll send you the location now"

"it was nice hearing your voice, let me hurry up there to hear it more" he let's another low laugh, causing a laugh out of me too.

"Can you not compliment me for one minute, hyungg" I say with a blush he can't see.

"Can't do that, will be there in 15 minutes, see you then. Bye lix"

"Ok. bye, hyung"
I say as I cut the call right after.

A | N

This phone call chapter was written differently and i don't have a reason for it-

Also updating it in the morning which I never do. I'm going out and will be staying somewhere with no net so gotta do it now or I'll forget 😀

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