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As we drove off, no changbin's house in our vision now. han starts blabbering words, discribing what they witnessed. Minho stays quite, jeongin stays focused on the road as he drives.

"Han, he knows what happened so you don't have to tell him all that" Minho says stopping his boyfriend abruptly. "you're right, so what happened in there which we didn't see?" He asks with a teasing look, raising his eyebrows as the others chuckle at the obvious way he stated it as.

"Nothing like what you expect, han" i say as I shoot him a fake bitter look. "You went above my expectations my friend, you guys huged!!" he says as he laughs at his own words as he says it and the others leaves a low laugh with him.

"Come on jeongin, you're also laughing at me?? I think you should stop hanging out with jisung" I say, leaving us all laughing again.

I know clearly not to take words they say seriously and they know better to do the same. "He can't cause you will never find someone better that me, lino-hyung agrees with that" jisung replies as he throws a wink at his boyfriend sitting in the front.

"That's for me cause you're my boyfriend, hannie. want me to show you how i can shut him?" he says joining in on the teasing and making the other two friends scream a no together.

"I was considering to throw him out but this is kinda his car and I can't just drive off with his car can I?" Jeongin says. "You can, you have my permission-" Minho says but gets a playful hit on his arm from han.

"Jisung, consider talking something else other than your boyfriend or you're getting thrown out the car" I say and as we laugh stupidity at all we say, it's just how things work with us.

"That's easy! so you want me to talk about something else. Let's take about the date, what did you guys do" han says bring it back to that topic.

"We watch a movie. we watched finding Nemo and he forgot what that whole movie is about" I say smiling from the start as the date replays in my mind. "He has this weird way of flirting and it's so cute, i don't know how he makes it not sound cringey but he does"

"Lixie, you're down bad already. Are u guys seeing how he is giggling?" han talks, cutting through. "EWW LOVE" he added being extra. "Says the one who is crazy in love" jeongin and i say at the same time.

"Whatever" he says rolling his eyes, lauging right after. "Lix, you continue" Minho says and I go on with the talk, of course the conversation goes with han butting in ever minute.

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