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"So you are telling me that i remembered it all wrong and it's a fish named Marlin that goes to find nemo, his son??" I ask with a baffled look.

He throws a laugh at me again, finding the situation hilarious. "Yes, hyung. Can't believe you thought it's nemo who finds his way back to his father" he says before laughing again.

"Why would the name of the movie be  'finding nemo' if it's not about finding nemo?" He talks again as he trys not to laugh again, his eyes holding tears from the hard laughter he gave out. "I don't know, thought they are dumb like that" I say taking in the sight of laughing felix as a laugh escapes through him again.

"No, there are not dumb like that. It's you who is dumb, hyung" he says teasing me. "I guess I am" i reply, conceding to it.

We continue with the movie with a touch of silence, glancing at each other as we have our commenting conversation about the movie.

we both dig in on the chips. The covers reaches the table as it gets empty. "You want more chips? Or anything? I can go get it" i ask turning my head to him. i change my position in the sofa, puting one of the foot of my leg under my opposite thigh.

"I don't want anything more, hyung. If u want something, I can pause it for a while" he says as he give me a glance. He soon switches his position too, putting both his legs up, crossing it.

"No, I'm not up for more" i say as we shortly look at the screen again. Too quickly, my hands feel too free. I take a look at it, crumbs on the tip of my fingers, I dust it off my hands on my pants.

My attention falls on his hands placed on his thighs, without a second thought I lock our hands together and i place it on my lap, shortly after we lock our gazes, he tenses a bit at that. I rub my thumb over the back of his hand slowly and he relaxes before both our eyes leaves to look at the screen again.

In about 10min the movie ends and we stay seated on the same spot with a loud silence. The already no space between them somehow got even more lesser by the end of the movie. shoulders overlapping and hands intertwined with eachother.

A | N -

I actually forgot what finding nemo is about and had to search it cause I was gonna watch it 🚶‍♀️

And the same day I wrote this so I went with the same movie :)

Also i thought I was funny.. ending the last chapter with 'known story' n starting this with him not knowing it correctly 😃

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