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Had a long day at the college today. On days like this being on my routine helps me keep me on track.

I do the clg works on time, i freshen myself up by taking a bath and I do my skincare right after.

I don't feel sleepy at all. I pull out my phone which I left on charge and open Netflix. Been meaning to watch 'sweet home 2' ,now that i have time I start it.

After I have watched 1 and a half episodes, my phone rings. The name reads 'cutie binnie' i let a gasp, not believing my eyes.

I clear my throat before swiping the call accept button. "Hyung..?" I say. "Hey.." he let's out a low awkward laugh "I'm sorry felix..for calling like this, i messaged u asking if I can call and u didn't see it so i thought I'll try calling..I really hope I didn't disturb you" he talks again in a moderate tone.

"Oh..its fine hyung!. I was watching a series, that's why I didn't notice your message" I say, a smile creeps on me knowing that he actually called me, this all is real.

"Don't feel bad hyung.. I don't mind at all that you called, In fact it made me really happy" i say, plastering a big smile even though he can't see me, It an authentic one.

"That's good to hear" he says, his words getting louder. "I was panicking.. nothing is going my way..that was starting to drive me crazy..im so stupid..now I'm calling you taking your time" he says stalling his words a bit.

"Oh hyung, you aren't looking down on yourself are you? Whatever it is you are gonna do a great job..I just know"
I say.

"Thanks lix..I was letting the negative thoughts take over me i guess, I can do this. I think I should get to it now so let's talk later?" he says. "Okay, bye hyung" i reply. "bye, lix" he says it back and I cut the call.

A / N -

If it feels fast-paced, it is supposed to like that :)

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