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Felix wriggles under me but still half asleep. he woke me up by moving around. Getting more aware of my presence in the bed, he trys to unfree from my hold.

My face lays on his chest and my hands holds his body and the hold grows tighter with every single movement of his "Are u trying to run away after spending the night with me?" I say.

"Don't say it like that!" He yells as he shoots up from the bed, throwing my tired body completely off of him. "What?" I smirk a laugh, playing dumb a little bit.

I pull myself up, siting on the bed as i see the cutest thing ever. Felix. Blushing felix to be exact. "Can't we just go back to sleeping, I could use more of your cuddles" I say with a frown to lure felix into my arms.

"No, don't think I'll fall for your tricks!" He says as he locks eyes and eventually looking away. "Haven't you already? Or should I do something more?" I say with of hint of flirtiness to it.

"Maybe— but what do you mean by more..?" He asks as he comes closer to me, over faces just inches away. I stay a bit shocked from his sudden boldness but I don't inch away from him. I lean in a place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"That's all you have got?" he asks as he looks deeply into my eyes, almost teasingly? i pull away after the kiss i placed. "You sure you can take it, lix?" I ask and he quickly gives me a nod for yes.

I'll not say it in a moment like this but this version on felix not shying away is killing me. Might be too much for me to take in all this but I can get used to it right?. I want to get used all of this.

With no more thoughts i lean in once more placing a quick kiss on his left cheek and quickly pulling away to get his reaction. Seeing that he doesn't back away i place another kiss on his other cheek before drawing away creating distance between us.

Soon my eyes burst wide open as felix takes a hold of my shirt collar, connecting my lips to his. I feel my heart pump heavily as heat crawls throughout my body.

After i somewhat come to my senses, I return the kiss as he lets me take the lead. His arms makes its way up my neck. From the tight grab i could feel his nail dig a bit as he holds as he kisses me hungrily like I'm his morning meal. If a kiss could kill, i could die from felix's kiss right here and u won't mind that.

I match it with my tight hold on him as I hold his waist as we let our tongue dance. We detach and attach, going on and on with just break apart that lasts a second. After some seconds with felt like minutes, which we wish could have been hours, comes to an end.

As our tight hold loosens, we both back from our attempt to kill eachother as we breath in and out heavily. "That— that was what i thought you meant by more, hyung" he says with a smirk, still struggling to take stead breathing.

I leave a died laugh that sounds so close to choking. Maybe I choked on air from the words that left his mouth. "Wait, i think I'm dreaming" i say. Seeking to find the answers, felix pinchs both my cheeks. "Ow— I was just saying" I say with a slight tingling pain from his action.

Felix disconnects from the whole conversation we were having, getting busy using my cheeks as a stress reliever. "You're so cute" he says suddenly getting me shy in an instant, as pink traces my cheeks.

"That's what I'm supposed to say" I say as I pinch his cheek, copying his actions as he whines in reply. "We would be pretty cute together, dont you think?" he says and follows a breathly laugh. "I always wanted to say that" he talks again. "I can't deny what's true" I say as he flashs a smile that melts me, making me smile with him.

I drop my hands from his cheeks, letting Felix adore me with shiny eyes. I leave a chuckle that the cute sight. "Hyung" He call out as he cups both my cheeks, his look turning serious. "Yes?" I say in reply. "I like you" he says droping the confession startling me a bit, just a bit though. "I would hope so after all the kissing we did" I say, a soft laugh leaving my mouth.

"You were supposed to say it back, you know?" He says with a pout and I kiss that pout away in a tick of a second. "I like you too, lix" i say giving him a wide smile as he smile widely back at me before jump on me with his arms open.

"We can just go back to sleep. cuddles, just like you wanted" he says as we both cuddle back to sleep. I think I'm getting used to all this already.

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