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I get a text from changbin, saying he is on his way up the stairs of the building i live in. I shoot up from the floor i stayed because of my laziness. I grab the blanket i was rolled up in and i throw them on my bed in quick speed.

I quickly open the door meeting eye to eye with the other I was expecting. "You're off the floor" he says giving me his lovely smile. "I had to get up cause of someone" i reply as i roll my eyes playfully and he gives me more of the laugh I love hearing.

I guide him to my bedroom and he let's his eyes wander around the room as he takes a seat on the side of the bed. I take the laptop place on my table and march my way to the bed.

We make ourselfs comfortable in the bed, pulling the blanket up. I place the laptop in the middle of our lap and soon we get into chooseing the movie. Again we settle on watching a Disney movie.

The glances I get from the other does not go unnoticed by me. This time we dont talk about it as we have done before. i avoid meeting his eyes to avoid giving out to what I want. Soon we meet eyes, it's hard to not to when we both are constantly looking at one another so it was bound to happen.

The movie played on the screen in front of us plays as a wall, concealing our desire. I can't exactly talk for him so I'll say it's concealing my desire to kiss him so badly.

"I think we both are paying no attention to this movie" he breaks the silence as he always does. We stare at each other intensely for god knows how long as I try my best to get my answers that may hold in his eyes.

I whole heartedly think we both want the same but I hold back for some reason. As he draws circles in my hand holding his, he trys again "want me to be honest?" He says and i quickly nod.

"Can I kiss you lix?" he says as he gives me a small smile as he pulls us out of the cuddle position we were in. We shifted our position too face eachother. then he proceeds to hold my face, cupping both sides. The sudden contact causes my eyes to take fast blinks.

I drop my head a little down, eyes detached from one another. "S-sure" I stumble over the one word I pushed out. As he hears those words he lifts my head up with his hands that holds my face as he looks straight into my eyes, making me look everywhere other than where I want to look which is him.

I'm sure my flustered face gives the same answers that left my mouth, wishing i could have just nodded again. I watch as his eyes flicker back and forth to my eyes and my lips and the my holded eyes watching his eyes leaves to do the same on its own like I have no control over it.

A smirk soon dances on his face which makes him look so hot but I don't say it. I know it will only make his smirk grew bigger and I don't think I can't take that. I throw a shy smile at him which causes him to let a laugh.

"You're so cute, I can't take it" he says causing my eyes to widen immediately at that. "I can't take you being this honest.." i mutter in a low voice, enough for him to hear.

Soon he closes his eyes and the small distance we had, placing his lips on mine as I feel the warmth. My eyes shuts close as very soon he pulls away, leaving my eyes to jet open with confusion.

"Can I continue?" He asks. closing his question, I take the lead, closing the distance once again between us as our lips gets in touch. I feel him flinch a away a little at the way i decided to answer, making me smile as my mouth moves through the kiss.

he kiss back immediately, syncing in with my movements. He let's one hand move to my hair as he runs it, pushing my front hair thats running loose, tugging it behind my ear.

His hands still runs though my hair, slowly making it down my neck as he places it there. His hands doesn't withdraws from my neck but he gives light rubs with his thumb.

Shortly I pull back, breathing excessively fast. I circle my hands around the other as I place my heating face on the crook of his neck as I try to take normal breathing, steading myself.

He let's out a laugh as he moves his hands to my back, tightening the hold on me. "Let's cuddle and sleep?" He says moving one of his hand giving me a rub. "Let's do that" i reply. We plop on the bed as we cuddle to sleep, falling asleep in no time.

A | N -

It's coming to an end soon-

There will be one more written chapter and the others few chapters will be texting and it will be over 😭

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