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"Hyung, you have tissue right on the table and yet u used me as one" i say jokingly and he chuckles at my attempt at starting a conversation.

"What can I say, I'm quite the romantic right?" He says with a big smile. "Sure hyung, you can take it that way" i say says rolling my eyes at him, acting like his words don't have an effect on me.

"It is how I take it as, right? And i choose to take it that way" he say with a smirk as he turn his whole body sideways facing me, giving me his full attention. I swifts my position matching his as I let out laugher that vibrates him in the process.

"Did you study our chats before our date or what?" I say with a laughter turning into a smile. "Didn't have to, i could remember about everything" he replies with a proud smile causing a blush to creep though me.  Acting like his words don't have an effect was a total fail.

We stay like that as we talk about, random things just like we did in our chats. The intertwined hand loosens but still in contact as he caress my hand with his, playing with it.

30 mins later

The small small movement gradually ended up with us cuddling. My body fully leaning on him as my hands wrapped around his waist, my head on his shoulders and our legs laced together.

"Wait— we totally lost track of time, what's the time?" He says with a louder voice startling me, i pulls out my phone checking the time "It's 6:40" i reply and we both stare at eachother in shock.

"Lix, you should get going before it gets too late" he says and i give him a quick nod. "You want me to drop you? I don't mind, you know" he talks again. "Hyungg, I know you're exhausted so I don't want you to" i says with a pleading smile.

"It's fine, I can ask one of my friends to pick me up" i talk again trying to make him change his mind.

"It's really fine though—" he trys again but before he can continue protesting more i shut him off immediately "no it's not fine to me, get some sleep hyung" i say and he finally submits to my option.

< — others | felix — >

/ Hannie changed the group name from 'HOW TO MAKE A MOVE ON SOMEONE?' to 'UPDATE US ON THE DATE, LIX' /

Can someone pick me up from changbin hyung's house??
[location attached]

I can
I just happened to be out
I'll be there in obout 10 mins

Btw with minsung
so there is that :/

Okayyy <3

Can't u throw han out before u come here ? :/

I'm too good to be thown, you know?



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