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The smile on my face remains even after we finish chatting, it makes my day better. He makes my day better.

I won't deny the interest I have for my new friend, I want to get to know more about him and go on dates, cuddle- I stop right there. I might have gone to far.

It all too early right? To meet up? I have no clue what exactly is the next thing I'm supposed to do.

I think of a cool way to ask him out, it doesn't have to be a date right?

I couldn't take any of it anymore, I pick up my phone and send chan a text.

I send more messages implying that's it's urgent. I really need his help right now but he told me about his date with misoo, the girl he is dating and I have no clue when it's getting over.

I drop my phone down and drop myself on the bed, as I'm considering taking a nap but a notification rings from my phone.

I pick up my phone fastly and beam seening the sight of what i was expecting. it's chan!

< — chan | changbin — >

I have never got that many messages from you
What's going on

You're hereeeee

Im guessing this has something to do with felix..?

Yea it does-
You know me so welll 😞

Just ask him out directly

Wait- what- how-

Guessed it :)

How do u do that every single time

Just a lil talent I have :)

You are the awesomest friend anyone could ever ask
You will be a great dad for sure, lucky misoo 😫

The skipping steps-
It's the lix influence for me 💀

Oh shut up, chan

A | N -

Did I already reveal the name of the girl chan is dating?

Nvm, this is the chapter I'm doing it :)

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