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Chan reaches my home fast as he can, I know he is seriously excited for my date as if it's his.

He rummages though my closet and my drawer which holds my clothes, helds up few of them up to imagine how it will work as an outfit.

I'm sitted on my own bed as I watch him. It doesn't take longer than than i anticipated. He smiles at his pick on the clothes and makes his way towards me

I give him a netural look, his choice is really plain. "You think this will work?" I ask.

"Of course. it's a casual outfit, it reflectes you" he responds. "That's not a compliment at all" i laugh as I say it and he let's a laugher with me.

"Come on, don't take it like that". I know he didn't mean it like that. I could have probably come up with a similar outfit even without him but his presence here is what's making me not freak out right now and I'm thankful for that.

He stays so we hang out in my living room. We sit on the couch we always do to have our bonding moments.

I break the silence. "Tell me how your date went" I say, sincerely curious about it. He chuckes right after I bring it up. "It was great, just like all the other dates we went!"

"That's great to hear, So where did u guys go?"

"I'll tell you all about it, this one was just a simple one, we walked to the cafe and got us drinks but it was much more enjoyable cause it was with her. We talked and talked and talked without no silence almost"

he grins the entire time, and it only got wider displaying how much he enjoyed it. Im happy for him.

"Oh goddd chan. you're really in love and I'm happy for you!! you really deserve it"

"You know I can picture you saying those things soon" he wriggles his eyebrows and i blush "how are u so-"

He cuts me off "I just am, trust me"

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