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There was three sisters named Nova,Rosie and Alice. Nova was the oldest then Rosie and Alice was the youngest. One day they were walking home when suddenly Rosie tripped.

"Ow" said Rosie

"(Laughs)you are so clumsy" said Nova.

Alice and Nova helped Rosie up when Alice noticed something.

"Rosie you tripped on this " said Alice holding up a long thick stick"

"Its just a stick" said Rosie

"Or maybe it's a magical staff" added Nova

*Then the girls started laughing.*

"Yeah right" exclaimed Alice

"Good one Nova"stated Rosie

"I know right" added Nova

Rosie took the stick from Alice and when it was in her hands it's begun to glow.

"Woah!?" Shouted Rosie as she let the stick go

"The stick was glowing " exclaimed a shocked Alice.

"Here Rosie hold it again "commanded Nova.

Rosie took the stick from Nova and the same thing happened but this time she didn't drop it when suddenly a black portal open!!.

"Did I do that?!" Asked Rosie confused

"Yep" replied Nova

"We're going inside that thing right?!" Said Alice with a slight smirk.

"Duh!"yelled an excited Rosie.

"No no no no no no we are not going in that ....thing'' stared Nova

"Seriously why not ?!" Asked Rosie

"It could be dangerous" added Nova

"Come on nova stop being such a spoiler" said Alice.

"What about mom and dad they'll get worried" stated Nova

After a lot of begging Nova finally gave up.

"Fine but we have to stick
together.....get it stick" smiled Nova
while pointing at the stick

*Both Rosie and Alice shaked their head at Nova's dry joke.*

They went through the portal not knowing what awaits them on the other side. They finally made it to the other side of the portal when they stepped out,the portal closed. There was beautiful lights all around the place nothing to be afraid of that's for sure. The girls were admiring the beautiful place when suddenly...."Aaaaahhhhhhh!!" shouted Rosie as she held her head, her hand clenched into fists. She heard Nova and Alice's shouting for help but their voices soon became muffled until Rosie fell unconscious.

*Hours later she woke up in a room*

She squinted her eyes open,put her hand to her head because she had a throbbing headache. She saw a woman looking out the large window. This woman wore a long dark red dress,with a pearl necklace and a golden crown her hair was in a tight bun.

"Where am i?" Asked Rosie

"I see you're awake don't worry I won't hurt you " said the woman

"Who are you?" Asked Rosie

"I'm the queen" stated the lady

Soon Nova and Alice walked in and explained everything to Rosie. She had fainted the queen saw what happened she helped the girls out and brought them to the castle. Rosie thanked the queen then explained why she fainted. She heard a voice inside her head saying

"My power is now within you" over and over again.

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