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"Did you really think you could actually banish us to our own world was going to stop us from defeating you" said the lady.

Then a glowing light surrounded Annabelle making her weaker.

"That's won't keep her for long we have together out of here" said the man as he burned the rope to ashes.

They quickly escaped right before an arrow from Luke could've hit them. Everyone then kept moving quietly to the exit but they kept going back to the part where Luke shot his arrow. They were in a time loop?!.

Suddenly they all fainted.

Oliver - Michael
Serenity-the glowing lady
Alora- the queen
Iris- Noah
Heli- Oliver
Michael- serenity
Queen - the glowing man
Noah - Iris
The glowing man - Alora
The glowing lady - Heli.

Oliver as Michael part 1

"What ? Where am I?!" Thought Michael (Oliver).

"Is this an orphanage?!" Thought Michael (Oliver)

Michael (Oliver) then went to go find a mirror he then saw his reflection in the mirror, he was MICHAEL!!?. he dropped the mirror and the glass went everywhere. Suddenly a nun came in and scolded him then brought him somewhere. She put him in a room with 3 other boys around his age.

"Hi! What's your name??" Asked boy 1

"Uhm ....hi?" Said Michael(Oliver)

"My name is Caleb" said Caleb

"I'm Oliv- Michael!" Replied Michael (oliver)

"And I'm Matthew " said Matthew cheerly.

"That's a nice name and whose the other one?" Asked Michael (Oliver)

"Oh that's uhm I don't know actually he never told us his name....." Said Matthew.

"Oh I see he kinda looks like Luk-" thought before he collapsed.

Serenity as glowing lady(Luna) part 2.

"Where am I ??" thought Luna (serenity)

"Your majesty!! Your brother requested a meeting with you and the others " said the guard.

"Oh uhm tell him I'll be there I just have something to do real quickly" said Luna (serenity).

The guard bowed before leaving to tell her brother.

"Wait a minute isn't this the girl who helped us escape.. " she thought.

Luna (serenity) then went to the place where the meeting was being held. It looks like the others were already there. Luna (serenity) seemed when she saw Alaister (her brother).

Everyone kept silent and then started to talk when the room suddenly went dark. The lights started to flicker and the wind picked up. Darkness took over the room soon took over the rest of the palace and the rest of he kingdom. Only Luna (serenity) and her brother Alaister escaped that day everything else was unknown to the rest of the world.

Alora as the queen part 3.

"Huh?! Where am I ? " Thought Alora as she saw that she was in bed.

"You're finally awake?!" Said ANNABELLE?!.

"Annabell?!" Shouted Katherine (Alora)

"Can we play now please ?!" Asked Younger Annabelle.

"Yes sure just let me get dressed" said Katherine (alora).

Annabelle nodded excitedly. Katherine got dressed and left to Annabelle.

When Katherine (alora)walked outside , a group of girls walked over. They started talking but Katherine (alora) wasn't at all interested but they just wouldn't leave her alone. Then the worlds suddenly changed and someone fell from the sky dropping something with it.

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