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Everyone was shocked and worried

"This isn't like Rosie " stated Alice with a sad face.

Nova then explained what happened and what had happened when she walked into Rosie's room.

"One thing is clear for sure Annabelle did something to Rosie before leaving but we need to go to a therapist before anything else might happen" added the queen.

The therapist was then called and soon arrived at the castle. The therapist said there was something mentally wrong with Rosie. Like something was corrupting her mindset, something dark and evil. The therapist then left leaving Nova and Alice sadden with the news. "Let's go outside" suggested Nova. They went outside and hoped something good would happen.

"Do you feel better ??" Asked Nova

"Im worried about Rosie" stated Alice.

They went back inside to see Rosie talking to the chef with a happy smile on her face.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Asked Alice. Nova just nodded as she herself didn't know.

Then Rosie looked at her sisters and said "guys you are here !!"

She shouted. "Do you feel better ??"

Questioned Nova. Rosie nodded happily. Rosie then said she wanted to see the gardens outside so they went there. When they reached the garden Rosie fainted, panicked Nova and Alice took her to her room. They didn't want to worry Rosie by telling her so they kept it a secret.With the girls knowing something was definitely wrong with Rosie.

At night they went to Rosie's room and saw Rosie looking into the mirror. Alice noticed something about Rosie's reflection and saw Annabelle in the mirror. She didn't tell Rosie as to not worry her instead she told the queen. Annabelle then appeared in the throne room with a man beside her.

"Well sister it's been a while hasn't it??" Said Annabelle with a smirk on her face.

"Enough with the games Annabelle what have you done to Rosie?!!"yelled The queen.

"Oh nothing dear sister she's fine but I won't hand her over unless..." Added Annabelle as the smirk disappeared from her face

"Unless what?" Asked the queen.
"You give me what's mine" stated Annabelle.

"Never!!" Shouted The queen

Annabelle put Rosie infront of her making the guards still in fear of hurting Rosie. Nova and Alice stepped in but then the man besides Annabelle, Maxsim attacked the queen luckily Nova put a barrier around her (part of her power)

"You'll never hurt the queen!!" Yelled Nova.

Alice blinded Maxsim with her light and suddenly a vine appeared grabbing Maxsim tightly.

"W-what?!" Said Alice

"What?! How'd she do that?!!" Yelled Annabelle in rage

"Let me go !!" Shouted Maxsim
"Why are you doing this ?!" Asked Alice

Maxsim didn't reply to that as he himself didn't know the answer to that question. Alice then blacked out a bit for a few seconds and saw Maxsim's memories (part of her light power). She saw his past and she knew it wasn't his desire to destroy the royal family but his father's.

"I know what you've been through,I can help you !!" Said Alice

"How?? You don't even know me" said Maxsim

"Noah right?" Added Alice

"How??" Questioned Noah.

"I can't tell but you don't have to do this !! You can choose your own path not your father's nor Annabelle's" replied Alice to Noah.

Alice then released Noah, he took a moment to catch his breathe . He looked at Annabelle and attacked.

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