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"Aaaahhhhh!!"yelled Alice from behind Nova and Rosie.

There it was, a black figure holding Alice by her wrist. Rosie tried to walk towards Alice but was stopped by the figure said"dont take another step"

"Let go of my sister " said Rosie calmly

Before the figure could say anything a dash of pure light surrounded the area they were and completely destroying the figure,it was Alice.! But the figure left behind a scar on Alice.

"Are you ok Alice ?! " Asked Nova.

Alice nodded but they were so confused and scared where were their parents?! What was that thing that nearly kill Alice?!
"I think we should tell the queen about what happened" suggested Alice.
"Yeah Rosie can you make a portal ??" Asked Nova
"Sure why not" said Rosie

She made a portal straight to the queens castle. They walked in and told the queen what happened, the queen seemed genuinely shocked.

"What?!" Asked the queen as she stood up from her throne.

"Do you know what it was your majesty??" Asked Rosie

"Shadow beings. Mindless creatures made from the shadow ability. He only listens to his master other than that the shadow being is dangerous." Stated the queen.

"But I never made anything besides a portal so that means there's someone else who has shadow ability" added rosie.

Before the queen could say anything else the door banged open and in walked a woman wearing a long black dress and a purple necklace...she had a weird aura around her.

"Hello dear sister have you missed me ??" Asked the woman

"Annabelle what are you doing here ?!!" Added the queen.

"To take back what's mine!!" Stated Annabelle

"I'm not giving you the staff " said the queen.

Annabelle became very angry and summoned shadow beings to attack the queen but before her shadow beings could get to the queen a dash of light came and destroyed most of them.

"Rosie , me and Nova will protect the queen can you handle Annabelle?!" Asked Alice.

"K" said Rosie as she confronted Annabelle.

Annabelle scoffed at Rosie, she attacked Annabelle but it was hard since she literally only knew how to make portals. Rosie was one of breathe and fell to the ground that's when the queen said

"Enough Annabelle leave my castle at once!!" Yelled the queen.

Annabelle laughed and said this wouldn't be the last time they see her.
Nova , Rosie and Alice were injured but not badly. They were treated of their wounds and given bed rest.

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