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The two spoke like best friends that is until the door flew open and in walked Nova and Rosie. Alice jumped up seeing them staring at Nobody.

"Whose this??" Nova asked.

"Um..this is Nobody." Alice replied.

"Huh?? What's his name??" Nova questioned.

"His name is Nobody..." stated Alice.

"What...no parent will be stupid enough to name their kid 'nobody' Alice " Added Nova.

"It's a nickname genius ever heard of it??" Said Nobody with a sligh smirk.

"What is he doing here Alice??" Nova asked.

"You ask to much questions..relax I'm not here to hurt your sister " He added.

"I didn't ask you .. I'm talking to my sister zip it!!" Yelled an angry Nova.

"I have a nickname for you guess what it is ..... Angry bird " laughed Nobody. "My name is Luke nice to meet you angry bird"

"Well Luke not nice to meet you" nova said.

"Wait your name is LUKE??! Why the hell didn't you tell me ??" Asked Alice.

"I don't know because I'm known for some not so good things .." he added.

"What is he doing here??" Asked Rosie.

Alice then explained everything to them, Rosie was sympathetic while Nova wasn't to happy with having Luke here.

"Is his back ok??" Asked Rosie.

"Yea it's ok but-" said Alice before Nova intrupped her.

"Then he can leave if his back is better"
Stated Nova.

"It's better not healed angry bird " added Luke annoyed with Nova at this point.

"Ok first don't call me that second it's bad enough Noah is here we don't need this guy who might be dangerous.." exclaimed Nova.

"If he wanted to hurt me he would've done it already" added Alice.

"And what's your deal with Noah??" Rosie asked.

Nova left the room wanted to be alone in her room. But Rosie didn't get her answer so she followed Nova wanted an explanation.

"Nova wait!!" Yelled Rosie grabbing Nova wrist.

"What!?" Asked Nova.

"What's your problem with Noah??" Asked Rosie.

"I just don't trust him okay??" Stated Nova.

"Why??" Asked Rosie.

"He tried to kill the queen Rosie why are you turning a blind eye to that??!! Are you seriously so 'in love' with him???" Yelled Nova.

Rosie looked at her sister heartbroken by her harsh words.

"...Yes" said Rosie looking into Nova's eyes.

"Wow.." said Nova before going into her room locking the door and leaving Rosie behind.

Rosie felt a tear fall from her face, thinking about what just happened. Rosie went to her room locking herself in it. Was Noah really worth it ?? she thought. Then she heard a knock by her door ...it was Alice. Rosie let her in and they say on the bed in silence. Rosie's eyes were puffy from crying.

"I um.. overhead your conversation with Nova do you really like him??" Alice asked breaking the silence.

"Does it matter ?? Is he even worth it ??" Asked Rosie looking into Alice's blue eyes.

"If he makes you happy then he is ..." said Alice as she brush a strand of hair away from Rosie's face.

"But Nova.." exclaimed Rosie.

"Don't worry about her .." added Alice.

"You know I wish things could go back to the way they were with mom and dad..it's all kinda my fault you know I was the one who found the stick" stated Rosie.

Alice felt bad not telling Rosie about their so called 'parents' but she was gonna tell Rosie AND Nova together. They spoke for a while till Rosie drifting off to sleep. Alice left the room and went to Nova and spoke to her regarding Noah and Rosie. It took alot of determination to convince Nova to back off and leave them alone. As the days went on the girls became as close as they were before. The queen also let Luke stay in the palace.

But one day the Queen told them about some plants dying in the palace gardens which was weird because they had magic inside them and they have been blooming for years now. Then Rosie got worried as always and went to go check it out. She when there to where the queen said the ants were dying but instead she saw Noah!!

"Hey Noah" said Rosie .

"Hey Rosie how are you??" He asked.

"Im good" she stated.

"You need anything??" Asked Noah.

"Yea wanna help?" Asked Rosie.

"Sure!" He said smiling ever so sweetly.

They searched the garden together when they found Nova and Oliver sitting on a bench together eating cakes. They looked so happy , laughing together Rosie and Noah decided to leave them alone and continued their search. But in the end they found absolutely nothing...Alice however decided to go to the library which was in the palace. She started to look around but found nothing. As everyone was in the palace there was a shattering sound coming from the throne room where the queen was. Alice , Rosie , Noah, Luke and Oliver rushed to the throne room but Nova was no where to be found. In the throne room was Annabelle standing next to the queen who was laying on the floor with her head bleeding. The queen was weak.

"Annabelle what are you doing here?!" Yelled Noah.

"To claim what's rightfully mine!!" She shouted.

"So sister where my shadow staff ?? You have one last chance or else" commanded Annabelle.

"Or else what!!?" Asked the queen.

"Say your final goodbye to your oldest daughter" said Annabelle as she revealed Nova sitting on the floor,her eyes were black and she was doing whatever Annabelle said..?

"Nova come here !!"yelled Annabelle as expected Nova listened. She was being controlled by Annabelle. Then Annabelle took out a sword now holding it by Nova's neck as she took her spell off Nova.

"W-whats happening??"asked Nova.

"So sister where is it??" Annabelle asked.

"Wait Annabelle you said the queen's oldest daughter is Nova??" Questioned Rosie.

"You don't know.." laughed Annabelle.

"Yes she is the daughter of my sister and so are you and Alice " added Annabelle.

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