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"You...you made me like this!!" Yelled Noah.

"It was your choice!!!" Replied Annabelle as Noah was strangling her to the ground.

"Choices... choices there was never a choice!!! " cried Noah.

Annabelle disappeared as Rosie fell to the floor Noah catching her in his arms. Nova was giving him a death stare. The queen told Noah to take Rosie to her room so he did that.

"Where-where am I??!" Asked Rosie

"In your room" said Noah as he stopped looking out the window now facing Rosie.

Rosie looked at her clothing realising that someone changed her.

"Who changed me ?!!"yelled Rosie

"One of your maids did but seeing you're awake I'll get going" said Noah as he was about to leave the room.

" Wait I never got your name" stated Rosie.

"Noah" he replied as he left the room. He saw Nova passing by and smiled but she gave him a death stare instead.

One of the maids said the queen had called Nova to her room at once. Nova when to the queen's room.

"Is something wrong, Your Highness?" Asked Nova

"Yes, Prince Oliver is coming in a week's time and i want you to get everything ready " added the queen.

"Of course Your Highness!!" Replied Nova walking out of the room.

"And wait!! I have assigned you three girls and Noah some clothes for his arrival" stated the queen.

"I'll go and tell them Your Highness" replied Nova as she left the room.

Nova wondered what he looked like. She kept thinking about him as if she had met him before...

The day of Prince Oliver's arrival was here. The crowds cheering and singing. Prince Oliver then arrived at the palace. When Nova saw his face she was stunned by his beauty. As the queen & Prince Oliver were talking, Nova was with the others playing with a fork.

"Nova is something wrong??" Asked Alice.

*Nova ignored Alice's question and continued playing with her fork. Alice then blacked out again and saw Nova's memories*

"Ooohh whose he?" Asked Alice with a smile on her face.

"What??" Said Nova.

"The guy you are falling for ..." Added Alice as the smile on her face widened.

Nova started to blush as Noah and Rosie started talking. Nova being Nova gave Noah a death stare but Noah didn't care and kept talking to Rosie with a huge smile on his face.

"You do know that Noah is staying for like 2 months right??" Said Alice.

"What?! His staying for that long?!" Asked Nova.

"Why don't you want him here ?! He is so sweet did you see how sweet he was to Rosie"stated Alice.

Nova didn't respond and left for her room.

"What were you guys talking about??" Asked Rosie

"Oh .. nothing important...what about you & Noah what were you talking about ??" Questioned Alice

"Oh we were talking about uh um.." said Rosie

"Ya ANIMALS!!"shouted Noah to Rosie.

"Uhh Ya ANIMALS!!" Yelled Rosie back.

Alice being suspicious about the two left for her room.

Nova was cuddling her pillow when Prince Oliver walked in,looking on the ground.

"Are you alright??" Asked Prince Oliver still looking down.

"Yes, I'm fine " replied Nova.

"What's your name??" Asked Prince Oliver slowly looking at Nova.

"Nova" replied Nova.

Nova turned to her side only to see Prince Oliver beside her. Nova put her face in her pillow to prevent him from seeing her blush.

Prince Oliver laughed and eventually they started talking to each other. After hours of talking Nova fell asleep and Prince Oliver pulled the cover over her and left the room with a smile on his face.

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