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"is there any way to stop Annabelle?" Asked Noah.

"Yes there is .." said Heli.

"Seriously that's amazing how??" Questioned Serenity.

"Someone with shadow abilities has to destroy Annabelle's staff..but it's deadly.." stated Heli.

"Iris is the only one with shadow.." added Oliver.

"No! There has to be another way!!" Yelled Noah.

"There isn't" replied Heli.

"I'll do it " said Iris.

"No.." exclaimed Noah.

They then starting to get together to figure out how to defeat Annabelle once and for all.

"It can't be that easy to just break her staff.." said Serenity.

"Yea, it only contains half of her power" added Iris.

"Maybe it has something to do wth he gemstones??" Said Noah.

"Noah's maybe right, I've been trying for years to figure out the gems and they might have a connection.." stated Heli.

"Don't you have one of them??" Asked Luke.

"I do but I don't know how to use it" replied Heli.

"Maybe the queen's journal might have a clue or something..." Suggested Oliver.

After opening the journal they found a section about the gems.

It said: There are 4 gems in the entire land. After putting my power in the gems they found a place to stay until someone finds it. I've found one and gave it to my only son to protect, which was made into a necklace. In my research one of the gems , the shadow gem is in Annabelle's world (where she was trapped!!),but thats in another world. The other gems are either underground, burned or in a safe place.

"So one of the gems are in Annabelle's world??" Said Alora.

"Seems like it..." Replied Serenity.

"Then what are we waiting for??" Asked Noah.

"Heli you coming with right??" Asked Iris.

"No, someone needs to be here incase of Annabelle" he replied.

"Oh" added Luke.

They left on their journey the very next morning to Annabelle's world. Since Serenity was the only one who can see the map she had to carry it. The gem was located in the dark caves underground. There is a hidden passage somewhere in the caves. Soon they decided to take the night to rest.

"How much further???" Asked Oliver.

"Well the caves are far east from here" said Serenity.

"Ok imma go sleep don't go sleep too late.." added Oliver.

The next morning they went on to the dark caves ,far east from where they were. It took them like 2 weeks to get to the caves and after travelling for like 12 days they were now running low on food and water.

"Okay!! The caves are over that hill" pointed Serenity.


"Oh right..." Said Luke.

"What the hell???!" Yelled Alora.

"But my powers are weak cuz I'm tired ..." He added.

"Just teleport us already" commanded Alice.

Over the hill:

They went inside seeing crystals of all kinds of colours but as they went further it got darker. They went further and eventually found the passage to Annabelle's world and surrounding the portal was dark purple crystals and dead plants. They went inside and saw a dead forest.

"Wow everything seems so dead " said Alora.

"Well makes sense since Annabelle was here.." added Serenity.

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