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The trees looked so weak and about to dead, maybe that's what was affecting Alora as she was a nature element. The tree which now have lost their bright colours became weak and weaker. The others were confused on what was going on though they knew it was because of Iris. Luke however knew what was going on.

"While I was in the dungeon Artemis told me that Iris forced her to be in her army so that Iris could spread darkness everywhere...she wants to take out everything..." Explained Luke.

"How??" Asked Noah.

"No idea.." added Luke.

"We need to destroy that staff!!" Said Michael.

"Yea but it isn't anywhere near her only when she summons it.." added Serenity.

"What about the shadow gem?? What if we destroy that??" Suggested Oliver.

"That might work..." Replied Heli.

They ended the conversation there while Luke went to check up on Alora. When Alora was feeling better,they all went to Artemis to get some information but every time Luke went near to her,he felt his chest get heavier. He took it as a joke but could he be catching feelings for Artemis??.

"So what you saying is that when an eclipse ends the shadow gem weakens??.." asked Artemis.

"Yep pretty much but we also need your help to defeat Iris.." said Heli.

"Hmm well the time she leaves her staff only is when she sleeps" added Artemis.

"Then we need to sneak in without her knowing or noticing" replied Oliver.

"It's not that easy, she put guards a everywhere ever since you guys came in " stated Artemis.

"I have an idea " exclaimed Serenity.

"What???" Asked Artemis.

"You could take us as prisoners then we get inside" suggested Serenity.

"She might find out about this" added Artemis.

"We'll help you no matter what" said Michael.

"K" replied Artemis still a bit unsure.

With Iris:

"So is Artemis with them??" Asked a deep voice from the shadows.

"Yes the plan is going perfectly and she doesn't even know " added Iris smirking.

"Perfect..." Replied the voice.

With Artemis and the others:

"I have to go before Iris suspects anything" said Artemis before leaving.

"Guys I felt a dark aura is think Iris might have an allie" stated Alora.

"I know I felt it too" said Noah.

"Let's talk about it at home" replied Heli.

With Iris:

"Hello Artemis.." Iris greeted.

"What did you call for me , Your Highness??" Questioned Artemis.

"I just wanted to know how those 'friends' of yours are doing?? " Smiled Iris.

"How did yo-" added Artemis.

"It seems you've forgotten already, you're not suppose to tell outsiders any inside information!!" Yelled Iris.

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