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"What??"asked Rosie.

"Why don't you ask your sister Alice ?? She knows" stated Annabelle with a smirk.

"Alice??" Said Rosie while looking at Alice confused."You knew??"

Alice stayed silent and had a look of regret covering her face. Looking at Annabelle who was still holding a sword by Nova's neck.

"Annabelle please let my sister go.." pleaded Alice.

"I want my shadow staff first!!" Yelled Annabelle.

"Fine!! It's behind that painting.." said the queen now pointing at a painting of the royal family.

Annabelle pushed Nova to the side with a huge smirk on her face while walking to the painting. As she opened the painting there it was her shadow staff, a weapon of the shadow the most powerful weapon in the world or at least that's what they thought. As Annabelle put her hands on the staff she started to chant something and darkness was everywhere, destroying everything. Shadow beasts appeared everywhere walking towards them and taking the queen away..

"Annabelle let the queen go please you got your staff!!!" Shouted Alice begging Annabelle.

"Um..let me think...nah I'll keep her but I'll let you go..back to earth to live the normal life you had before this." Stated Annabelle.

"But..??" Said Rosie.

"Say no and you all join the queen in the dungeon " added Annabelle.

"No.." said the queen softly as she got as idea. She could use the last of her magic to teleport them out for the castle.(the queen has teleportation and light).

Rosie and her sisters looked at the queen as she smiled sweetly , Rosie tears fell.

"I love you guys " the queen mouthed as she teleported them all out of the castle.

"Noo!!!" Yelled the girls before being teleported out of the castle. As they landed by the palace gardens.

"We have to go back!! " Said Alice.

"Alice no the queen doesn't want to lose you guys to.."stated Noah.

"You knew didn't you??" Asked Rosie.

"I mean I had my suspicions then Alice came to me and confirmed them a few days ago..." Added Noah.

"How could you keep such a secret from her Alice??" Asked Nova.

"I'm so sorry .." said Alice.

"Guys look " exclaimed Oliver as he pointed to the grey clouds which was now towering the castle making it look dark and gloomy not as it looked before.

"We need to leave!!" Shouted Luke.

"But the queen..!!" Shouted Nova.

"We'll come back for her " said Oliver.

"I have someplace we can go for the mean time"stated Luke.

"I thought you didn't have anywhere to go??" Asked Alice.

"It's a place I don't like going to okay?? Enough questions we have to get out of here " said Luke. "I'll teleport us there all of you give me your hand.." he added.

They all put their hand on Luke's as he teleported them to a cute looking cabin in the middle of a beautiful forest with 8 rooms in total.They went in and it looked as if no-one has been in there for a while. Before they settled in they first cleaned up in an awkward silence as the sisters weren't talking to each other, while Rosie and Nova weren't talking to Alice. When they finished cleaning Luke showed them to their rooms. Luke went somewhere to get some food but no one knew where he went. He came back a few hours later with loads of stuff. He made the food and set the table for everyone.

As everyone gathered the table they praised Luke on his amazing cooking. Luke,Noah and Oliver tried to get the girls to make up and it helped a little Rosie was still a little mad at Alice but she tried to look pass it.

As the days went on they tried to come up with a plan to sneak into the palace and defeat Annabelle but none of the ideas they had would work. So they decided to stay low for a bit to make Annabelle think they left. One day Rosie saw a letter on her bed left by Noah?? Saying she must meet him by the lake which was near the house they were living in. The letter said at 22:00pm so that's what she did. She put a jacket on walking towards the lake not knowing what Noah had planned. When she arrived she saw a picnic which was surrounded by beautiful lit up candles and there he was, standing by the lake wearing a shirt (Rosie's favourite shirt of his).

"Noah??" Said Rosie as Noah turned his head.

"Rosie come here" he said smiling.

Rosie walked towards him.

"What's going on??" She asked.

"It's a date" he said blushing.

Rosie looked at him and smiled. As the date went on they had an amazing time. They laughed and as the date was coming to an end Noah leaned in for a kiss, Rosie closed her eyes as their lips touched. But then she remembered everything.

"I'm sorry Noah but I don't think it's a good time for us right now you know because of Annabelle..." She said.

"I understand Rosie I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes because
I love you " Noah said.

"I love you too Noah." Rosie replied.

"That's all I needed to hear "he smiled.

They soon packed up and went to the house as Alice was about to snuck out of the house.

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