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"looks like it already got to her !!" Stated Noah.

"Who are you and what are you doing here??" Asked Iris.

"Just give her back!!" Yelled Annabelle.

"I'm afraid she's already gone " added Iris.

"What ? Noo Rosie !!" Said Alora.

"Don't listen to her " replied Annabelle.

"Why shouldn't they?!" Asked Iris.

"Guys LOOK OUT !!"

Suddenly a blast of magic came rushing causing a huge explosion knocking everyone down.

"What was that??!"asked Luna.

"It was a illusion to distract us" stated Serenity.

"Take cover!!" Yelled Heli.

Alaister then created a shield around them blacking Iris's magic from destroying them.

"I won't be able to keep this up for too long, she's too strong!!!" Yelled Alaister.

"We can go back to my old place to figure something out..." Added Annabelle.

"I'll stay with Alaister to stop Iris" said Luna.

"Let's go" added Oliver.

They travelled to Annabelle's old place with the help of her making a portal. They searched the book for more information.

"Serenity read more of the gems please " said Noah.

"Let's see...the earth gem has the power to control all plants around it's holder. It gives it's holder to do anything with but the holder has the choice to either destroy or create. The gem also control animals and any animals in the entire world but animals and plants from other worlds are harder to control. The gem also depends on the water gem and can also become one with the water gem.." said serenity.

"What about the other gem?" Asked Alora.

"There's not alot about it " responded Serenity.

"We need to know everything Serenity" said Oliver.

"The light gem is the opposite of the shadow gem. This gem can see memories of others. Some of the abilities are unknown but it comes second to the shadow element" Said Serenity reading the end of the page.

An explosion then appeared and Annabelle came running in.

"What happened?! You're bleeding!!" Yelled the queen.

"She found us , run!!" Said Annabelle.

"I'm not leaving you , not again!" Said the queen as tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Said Annabelle as she made a portal,pushing everyone except herself. They all remained silent but Annabelle came through the portal but then she fainted. They decided to go Luke's cabin turns out it's not that far (jk it was far!!). Annabelle woke up but Iris was still out there.

They all decided to lay low for the next few days. But one day there was a ghost and it came into Heli's room. When Heli woke up the ghost was right next to him!!?

"W-who are you?!" Asked Heli.

The ghost then left when the others came.

"Heli what's wrong??" Asked Alora.

"There.. nothing I'm fine" added Heli.

This happened every night until Heli finally caught the ghost. The ghost was looking at a picture of Heli and his late wife, Claire. Heli walked up to the ghost but when the ghost turned to Heli , it disappeared.

"I know you're here" said Heli calmly and softly.

The ghost then appeared again and asked: whose that lady in the photo with you??

"Why should I tell you??" Asked Heli.

"Heli don't you remember me ?? " Said he ghost as she into a human but transparent. Heli started to sob seeing how similar she looked to his late wife. The ghost came closer to Heli and whispered something in his ear. He was shocked and wanted to say something but she disappeared.

Next morning

"Heli is something on your mind ??" Asked Noah.

"It's just about last night..." He replied.

"What happened??" Asked Serenity.

"You won't believe me if I told you " stated Heli .

"What happened??" Asked Oliver.

Heli then explained what happened the night before,she then appeared while Heli was talking but no one else could see her. They believed Heli knowing he wouldn't make such a thing up. Everything was fine until Iris came and found them, she caused an explosion. Everyone rushed outside.

The world turned to darkness but they were all still together. Iris came out from the shadows holding the shadow staff. Alora then noticed the eclipse was still around. Iris found a way to make the eclipse longer to be more powerful. Annabelle and the queen could feel the darkness in her heart that's when shadow beings with a dark aura around them started coming out of the shadows. They were alot harder to defeat because of the eclipse. Everyone felt their power draining from just being there. That's when the queen and Annabelle combined their powers together to create a portal to send everyone but themselves someplace else. The shadow beings came alot closer to Annabelle and the queen that's when Iris was trying to fight the shadow gem but failed the gem had her in a tight grip. The shadow beings then started fighting Annabelle and the queen but the sisters were holding their ground. The queen fell to the ground in pain , her head bleeding just when the shadow being was about to kill her Annabelle jumped in the way and fell to the ground "NO!"Yelled the queen with tears falling from her eyes.

"K-katherina I'm so sorry for all the things I've done to you and your family....I...I...I love you " said Annabelle taking her last breathe. The shadow being then killed the queen but then Annabelle and the queen turned into butterflies sadly the butterflies soon faded into the darkness. Iris then went on her way to find the others but she started to gain more control of her body...The others were sent to another realm where Iris couldn't find them or so they thought.....

"Where are we??" Questioned Oliver.

Elizabeth and Daniel were also there for some reason.

"Where's Luke??" Asked Daniel.

Everyone stayed silent as they didn't even know if that traitor was still alive.

"We don't know exactly but she should explore to find shelter before it gets darker.." stated Oliver.

"Let's go" said Heli.

"There's a camp!!" Yelled Michael as he pointed at the camp.

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