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The next morning at breakfast, the queen was glad to see Nova and Rosie so happy but Alice seemed tired.

"Alice what's wrong??" Asked the queen.

Alice was fast asleep when breakfast came. She then awoke when the queen said her name.

"I-Im awake!!" Yelled Alice.

"Oh,just checking if you're okay" said the queen."but are you okay?"

"Im fine" replied Alice rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

They ate breakfast and went to the garden. Nova and Prince Oliver were getting along nicely and it was only two days since his arrival. Nova and Prince Oliver were sitting in the greenhouse having tea,talking about anything under the sun.

Rosie and Noah were at a group of trees,Noah was teaching Rosie how to aim while holding her hand to keep her steady. But Rosie tripped and Noah caught her again. Noah was wearing a black mask on but he was blushing under it.

Alice felt lonely since she was the only one who didn't have anyone to talk to since her sisters were now busy with the boys. She would write in her journal when she was bored or wrote short stories about Rosie and Noah or Nova and Prince Oliver. Everyday she would write in it until she snuck out of her room at night into the gardens. One night Alice saw a guy with an arrow in his back falling onto the ground in pain. He fell unconscious. Alice rushed to him and helped him. She snuck him into her room and healed him there. In the morning the guy wake up.

"W-Where am I ??!" Yelled the guy.

"Shhh!! They'll hear you " stated Alice softly.

"Ok?? But where am I ??" Asked the guy.

"My bedroom" said Alice.

"Ew it's pink I hate pink " replied the guy.

Alice was shocked by how rude this guy was especially after she helped him. The guy then stood up but his back ached and he groaned in pain.

"Stay still!! It will hurt more if you move" exclaimed Alice.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Hide.." said Alice.

"Where??" Asked the guy.

"In my closet" commanded Alice.

The guy walked to the closet just in time for Nova and Rosie to come in.

"Alice are you okay??! We heard a male voice.." stared Rosie.

"Hahaha t-that was me !!" Said Alice while laughing nervously.

"Are you sure ??" Asked Nova.

"Uh-h ....ummm" responded Alice.

"Im checking your room.." added Nova.

"Yea.. just to be safe " said Rosie.

Rosie and Nova checked the room but there was only the closet left. Nova opened the closet to find ......find nothing ???

"Huh?? Where'd he go ??" Thought Alice.

"There's nothing here " said Nova.

Nova and Rosie left the room but Rosie peeked through Alice's door.

"Where'd he go??" Said Alice aloud.

"Good thing I have teleportation or else I would've died" he said.

"Cool anyways what's your name?" Alice asked.

"Why would I tell you??" Asked the guy.

"Because I'm curious otherwise I won't stop bothering you" asked Alice

"...ok fine my name is ..... Nobody" added Nobody.

"Ok?? I'm Alice!!" Said Alice.

"W- wait she actually fell for it?? " thought Nobody.

"Well then let's get you patched up"
Said Alice.

Rosie saw the guy and ran to tell Nova but they kept it a secret.

"Ow!! That hurts you know " yelled Nobody.

"Don't worry it only hurts for a moment" added Alice.

Alice tied the bandages across Nobody. The wound would have taken weeks or months if Alice hadn't healed him. Everyday they kind of talked mostly Nobody insulting Alice's bedroom saying he hating it and Alice being offended by it.

"I found an extra room for you to stay in if you'd like" stated Alice.

"Okay if you really want me to stay ...I'll stay then actually i don't have a place to stay..." Added Nobody while scratching his head.

"Haha ok I'll show you the room come.." commanded Alice.

While Alice was showing her friend to a room that hasn't been used and no one went in at all. Meanwhile Noah was teaching Rosie archery since she insisted on learning self- defense. Suddenly Rosie heard screaming from a bush, she opened it and saw dead plants.They also saw a black figure run by quickly. Rosie tried to use her powers to blind the figure but it got away quickly.

"...... something's off" said Rosie.

"Yea but should we get back to training" asked Noah.

"Sure.." replied Rosie.

But the thought still remained who was that?? She called it the figure. Day after day something new happened, like Alice's plants dying and Nova burning her hand. Alice wrote all this in her journal in case it was important.

Nova and Prince Oliver stayed inside Nova's room when Prince Oliver heard a sound.

"Did you hear that??" Asked Prince Oliver.

"No?? Did you hear something??.." she asked concerned.

"It was probably the wind.." exclaimed the prince.

They continued talking but the sound came back again.

"Its probably my imagination.."thought prince Oliver.

Prince Oliver stood up from Nova's bed and opened the door but saw nothing. When he turned around Nova was .....gone?? He saw no trace of her around. Prince Oliver went to alert the queen who sent a group of guards to go look for Nova. But nothing was found but an earring. Rosie went to Nova's bedroom to see if they was anything in it. There it was under her bed. She called Alice , Noah and Prince Oliver.

"Why'd you call us here??" Alice asked.

"I actually called you here because of Nova's disappearance. There's something evil under her bed ..... I can feel it" stated Rosie.

"Really??" Alice said scared.

"Noah can you move the bed please ??" Asked Rosie.

"Sure anyth- yes I will!! " answered Noah.

Noah moved the bed and under it was a large black hole,it was very deep.

"Please don't tell me you think Nova is in there!!" Said Alice.

"It's worth checking out... just in case" stated Rosie.

"Let's get stuff to go down there you never know what we might find " exclaimed Prince Oliver.

"Okay everyone go and find stuff so we can go down and meet back in 5.." added Rosie.

Everyone went to get the stuff when Rosie was about to leave Noah grabbed her arm...???

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