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They were all blindfolded.

"I see you're awake" said Annabelle.

"Annabelle?!!" Questioned Rosie.

"Where are we?..!!" Asked Oliver.

Annabelle took off all the blindfolds.

"Where's the queen ?!" Asked Nova.

"Well if I wanted to be queen I needed to get rid of her..." Smiled Annabelle.

"What??" Said Alice.

"Someone like you doesn't deserve to be queen!!" Shouted Nova.

"That's a shame I already am....if only he told.. " stated Annabelle.

"Who??" Asked Nova.

"Noah of course that fool wanted to make it obvious..." Stated Annabelle.

"Noah??" Said Rosie softly.

"You?!" Shouted Noah.

"Looks like someone's awake" said Annabelle.

"Annabelle what have you done with the queen??" Asked Noah.

"I got rid of her" laughed Annabelle.

"Stop lying to yourself" said Noah.

"Huh??" Questioned Annabelle.

"If you really killed the queen then this castle would've been in ruins because the queen made this castle when she became queen. This whole castle works on her magic " stated Noah.

"Guards take these fools to the dungeon!!!" Yelled Annabelle.

"Yes your Highness..." Replied the Guards.

"Annabelle has a mind control spell on them" thought Nova.

The guards led them to the dungeon but what they didn't know was that Rosie untied her rope which was around her hands. But she didn't make it obvious. When the guards weren't looking Rosie snatched the keys.

"Ugh this is so boring" said Alice.

"Yea" added Nova.

Rosie unlocked the cell.

"Rosie how did y-" asked Alice.

"Shh! They'll hear you. Let's get the others and get out of this place..." Stated Rosie.

"Okay" said Alice.

They unlocked the others and snuck to the queen's bedroom since thats where the queen's book was.

"What are we looking for??" Asked Luke.

"The queen's book/journal" said Rosie.

The queen's book has lots of information and will maybe help them to defend Annabelle.

"Found it.." said Noah.

*They open the book*

"What?! There's nothing in it" said Rosie.

"What do you mean there's nothing?? There's writing there...can't you see it??" Asked Nova.

"Um..." Said Noah.

"What does it say???" Asked Alice.

"It says: if only there were a way I could stop this from happening ever since I separated my power from my body, I've become weaker.I have separated my power into 4 gemstones. My only son has one of them he is located near the magical river from the west east side of the kingdom. I would go but I have to stay here hopefully someone finds this before it's too late - queen Katherine " said Nova.

"Wait we have a brother..!??" Shouted Nova.

"Shh" said everyone.

"Sorry...." Replied Nova.

"Maybe we should go find him before we do anything to Annabelle..."suggested Noah.

Everyone agreed.

"Noah?? is Annabelle still controlling you??" Asked Nova.

"Yes but not right now she isn't, she gave me this necklace to know if she's in control " said Noah.

"What does it do??" Asked Oliver.

"Well if it turns black, she isn't in control but if it's green she is..." Stated Noah.

Everyone was shocked but trusted Noah and knew he wouldn't hurt them especially Rosie. They left through the tunnel and went on their journey and took the queen's book. It took them days to find the location, when they finally arrived. Nova knocked on the door. The door open.

"Hello, sorry to bother you but do you know anyone by the name of Heli??" Asked Nova.

"Heli ?? Oh his in his study come in" said Michael.

They sat down and had a cup of coffee.

Then a man walked into the living. He looked at the birthmark on Rosie's left cheek and said:"iris??"

"Who" said Rosie.

"You're all alive " said the man happily.

"Are you okay??" Questioned Alice.

" Sorry I must have you mistaken for someone else" said the man.

"No, you're right.." sad Noah.

"Huh?!" Said Rosie.

"Her name is Iris" stated Noah.

"But my name is R-" said Rosie before Noah intrupped.

"Your real name is Iris.." added Noah.

"So it's really you??" Said the man.

"I forgot to mention your names aren't your real names Alice yours is Alora Nova your real name is serenity.." exclaimed Noah.

Rosie or Iris was shocked. She knew basically her whole life was a lie but her name too this was all too much.

"I'm guessing you're Heli our brother" said Alora(gonna start to use their real names).

"I am" said Heli.

He has the same blonde hair colour as Alora and same blue eye colour as Serenity as well as Iris's birthmark. This guy was a mixture of all his sisters.

"How's mother??" Asked Heli.

"We don't know" said Iris.

They then explained everything about Annabelle and the gemstones.

"I do have one mother gave it to me before I left..." He explained.

"Why'd you leave??" Asked Oliver.

"Claire..." Said Heli trying to hold back the tears back.

"Claire was a princess from another kingdom who I fell inlove with. But we didn't want to be king and queen we wanted a simple life so that's what we did. We got married then left the royal lifestyle behind. We moved here but before I left,my mother left gave me the necklace. I thought everything was great til I found out. Claire had the shadow gem and used it but it messed with her health. I tried to save her but I failed...Before she died she hid the shadow gem I don't know where " explained Heli.

"She died because of the shadow gem..." Said Iris softly.

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