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"Noah!! What happened?!" Yelled Oliver.

"I know where Luke is!!" Stated Noah.

They went to where Noah saw Luke. They then finally arrived at the cave which was not far from Heli's house. The cave was filled with noting that is what they thought until they went deeper and saw it was filled with gems. Gems which gave off enough light to brighten up the dark cave. After all the searching they finally found Luke.

"This is seriously where you've been this whole time..." Said Michael.

"Oh hey guys what are y'all doing here??" Asked Luke."and did you see Artemis??? She sent me a letter telling me to meet her here but she never showed up" he added.

"Maybe she's in the castle cuz we never saw..." Stated Noah.

"But there's guards everywhere there's no way we'll be able to get in and oh my days I forgot Luke's has teleportation.." laughed Oliver.

"Uhm where's Alora and Serenity??" Asked Luke.

"Probably with Artemis.." said Michael.

Luke teleported them into the palace. They all split up to find them but the palace had gotten much bigger than the last time they were there to see Iris. Little did they know the palace they were in now was an illusion. The real one was moved by Iris to stop them from trying to ruin her plans. The real palace was now in another realm, the shadow realm. Where Annabelle was once trapped. A realm where everything was shadow , forever an eclipse and it's ruler was within it. Within the shadow there was only one entrance and one exit. Once inside you can't go back to where you entered. The only way to escape is to destroy the shadow realms rulers (aka Iris). But there another way , people who the ruler brought with them only leave with one of the shadow guards or with the rulers permission.

With Iris (in control).

"Be glad I even let you be in control " said the dark spirit (that possessed Iris.) As she looked at Rosie's spirit in the mirror.

"Yea and you're in my body" stated Rosie.

"Oh yes I'm in 'your' body also be grateful you're even alive. If it wasn't for you they would've been dead by now..." Said Iris. (Dark spirit).

"She has a point.." thought Rosie.

"Anyways I need to go..." Stated Iris as she went to Artemis. There Rosie sat trapped in the mirror feeling hopeless. She had a vision of Noah and the others with Luke in the cave as she started crying. Turns out it was never Iris it was the dark spirit of a former shadow holder. She was controlling Rosie's body and took over Rosie's body , pulling Rosie's soul out of her body and trapping her in a mirror. But what the spirit didn't know was that she didn't extract the memories of Rosie and that was what was haunting her and making her weak. But one other thing if anything happens to Rosie's body she feels the pain even though she has no control of her body.

Note: I'll use Rosie for the one trapped in the mirror and Iris for the one possessing Rosie's body.

"Good to see you Artemis.." greeted Iris.

"What the hell do you want?? " Asked Artemis obviously mad.

"Oh just wanted to see how you were doing, no need to be rude" replied Iris.

"Since when do you care about anyone but yourself.." added Artemis.

"I guess that's true anyways that's not why I'm here " said Iris.

"What do you want??" Asked Artemis.

"I need you for one of my plans will you join??" Questioned Iris.

"Join you??! Ha!! As if.." stated Artemis.

"Well then it's not like you had a choice to begin with.." laughed Iris leaving the roon and locking the door behind her. Leaving Artemis in the dark. She was now holding back the tears but she couldn't anymore and broke down in tears. Her eyes starting red and puffy from the crying. She soon fell asleep with a headache because of all the crying.

With the others:

"Where could they be??" Asked Heli.

"Hmm something's not right.." said Elizabeth.

"What do you mean!?" Questioned Noah still wearing the crown.

"Well something's not right but I can't figure it out ..but Noah's crown is the only thing giving off an aura..." Stated Elizabeth.

"Noah take off your crown" said Daniel.

"Okay" replied Noah as he took off the crown.

Suddenly the palace disappeared leaving them inside the forest but there was a gem which was left behind..

"What's this??" Asked Michael holding the green gem up.

"Let's go home and investigate this further there.."  suggested Luke.

At home:

"I think I found a lead about this gem" stated Heli.

"Okay.."  said Noah.

"The illusion gem can make illusions of anything it's hold commands. But the only people who can control the gem is those with shadow or fire abilities. There is a downside unfortunately, it does give off a strong aura.. " added Heli reading the whole page.

"I feel like theres more to this..." Said Michael.

"Yea ...wait look there's a ripped page!!" Exclaimed Daniel.

Suddenly the ripped page had writing on it.

"Someone get me a pen !!" Stated heli.

Heli then started to write , turned out it was a soul who used to live in the shadow realm but was banished because of her light abilities that she discovered. She died due to much sun since she was still from apart of shadow realm , it still affected her even though she had light. Sge then led them to the entrance of the shadow realm.

"We're here!!" Said the soul."Sadly I can't leave with you tot he shadow realm as my soul is still banished."

"Oh...can you help us get to the palace please?!"  Asked Oliver.

"First you need four stones which you have, then when you go through the portal DONT trust the people there until you reach the palace. And don't touch the flowers they're poisonous..." Said the soul before leaving them to complete their mission.

They did everything the soul told them to do. They had finally got to the palace but they were caught by the guards (so surprising 😒). They were then taken to the prison.

"Seriously how many times will we get caught?!!" Yelled Noah angry.

"Don't know we're just not good at this "  added Oliver.

"We need to find a way to defeat Iris .." said Heli.

"not yet we don't know how to and we don't even know where she is" stated Michael.

"Yea " Heli replied.

"I can help you" said a faint voice.

"Who are you?!" Asked Daniel.

"I know where your friends are" replied the voice.

"First show yourself" said Luke.

Someone stepped from the darkness but none of the guards seemed to see him. The person lifted their face and it was....

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