~Chapter 15~

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"keep an eye out for the shadow gem" said Serenity.

"Wait a minute Iris you have the same ability as Annabelle so maybe you can sense where it is!!!" Yelled Noah excitedly.

Iris closed her eyes trying to feel the shadow gem but to no avail until she suddenly felt a presence,it was the shadow gem!!!. She kept her eyes closed trying to figure out where the gem was then suddenly a symbol appeared under her feet and after a few seconds a ball of light appeared, iris knew she needed to follow it. The light started moving so they all followed it. While they were following it the light disappeared but there was no shadow gem.

"Where is it??" Asked Alora.

"There's no gem here" stated Oliver.

"Maybe there is" added Serenity.

"Meaning??" Asked Luke.

"The queen's book said maybe some are underground maybe it's underground." Said Serenity.

They started digging and after like a long time they finally found it after 4 weeks of looking for it. As they gathered their things they headed home. Heli was so happy to see his sisters after weeks. The girls told Heli about their adventures. They were having a great time catching up.

"Now we only have 3 more gems to find" said Alora happily.

"Wait what?!" Added Luke.

"We still have the water, sun and nature gem to find luke " stated Noah.

"But it took us so long to this one why the others?! " He shouted.

"Oh please you just thinking of yourself!!" Yelled Alora.

"So what?! it could be dangerous Alora" he added.

"So what??!we could save my mother" she yelled.

"Your so called mother wasn't even there for your childhood. How can you call that a mother ?!" Luke stated.

"How dare you?!" Alora said as she slapped Luke.

"Alora.." said Iris softly.

"Dont you dare talk about my mother like that!!" Alora yelled as the room became brighter.

"Alora calm down please " said Oliver.

"I'm completely calm!!" Replied Alora.

The room became brighter but Alora calmed down the room went back to normal. But then Oliver heard sounds approaching and it got louder. Oliver told everyone but the sounds then stopped for a moment then came back. Breaking one of the windows, the glass went everywhere.

"They found us. Everyone get to the back" commanded Luke dragging Alice.

"How did they -" said Iris when Noah suddenly grabbed her arm.

Everyone made it to the back. But they were EVERYWHERE. It was Annabelle's guards. They were then taken to the castle's dungeon but hen Annabelle ordered her guards to bring them to her.(oh no )

"What do you want Annabelle??" Asked Noah frustrated.

"Wait minute where's Luke?!" Asked Alora.

Suddenly a person in a hoodie came to stand next to Annabelle,try took it off and it was Luke?!. Everyone was shocked and disappointed to see Luke next to Annabelle of all people.

"Luke what the hell!!" Shouted Serenity.

"Why are working for Annabelle you you know she's only using you for her own personal gain!!" Noah added.

"Is he under some kind of spell?" Asked Oliver.

"No I don't think so we would've picked it up by now" stated Iris.

Everyone was silent especially Alora.

"Why don't you tell them how you betrayed them" said Annabelle.

"It was easy I stabbed myself with my arrow right before Alora came and found me. She just made my job easier to get into the castle to find Annabelle's staff." Stated Luke.

"So you used my sister to get in the castle?!" Added Iris.

That's when the door opened and in walked Heli and Michael covered in blood as the queen walked behind.

"Heli ?!" Said Serenity happily.

"Sorry we're late we just had to make a few other trips" said Heli as he held 3 other necklaces. Michael tried to use his powers to untied the rope around their hands but Annabelle's power was too strong.

"Why don't you tell them the rest?" Said Annabelle.

"When Serenity went missing, I followed you guys I tot he hole and I was the one who triggered that illusions memory trap, it was easy to convince you all that i was the good guy. But Serenity you could say you were correct all along " smirked Luke.

"Annabelle stop this nonsense" said the queen.

"But sister I'm having so much fun" said Annabelle with a delighted smile.

Suddenly 2 lights appeared in the form of people. Their elements were unknown but it seemed powerful..

These are the 2 beings!!(credit to mochxisdelusional for drawing this picture )

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These are the 2 beings!!(credit to mochxisdelusional for drawing this picture )

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