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With Iris & Ilie/ Elie (shadow).

"Is everything done??"  Asked Iris.

"Yes of course" responded Elie (that's his real name but went by shadow cuz he didn't like his name idk...)

"Well done..." Said Iris turning around to face him.

"Is there anything else??" Asked

"No you may leave now" replied Iris as Elie left leaving Iris looking at the necklace Noah gave her , she smiled.

Back to the others.

"But this will require me to do some dark magic which is extremely strong.." said the old man.

"We all agreed so we'll take care of whatever happens.." added Heli.

"Are you sure ...it's been at least 20 years since I last used dark magic.." said the old man.

"Whatever it takes" responded Michael.

The old man did his thing with the dark magic and they got all their powers back.

"Uh before we go do you perhaps have a phoenix feather??" Asked Alora.

"Let me ask my son"replied he old man turning to the boy who let them him. He then whispered something and left.

"Tea anyone??" Asked the old man putting down a tea pot.

"Ah thank you" said Heli as he poured the tea and took a sip.

"So how did you lose your powers??"  Asked the old man out of curiosity.

"We were fighting when we felt our power slip from our bodies" responded Oliver.

"Who were you fighting??" Asked the old man.

"Our sister but the shadow staff took over her.." said Alora.

"What?!!" Yelled the old man spitting out his tea now going to his room.

"What's that father??"asked the boy turning to the book in his father's hands. His father turned the pages rapidly.

"The shadow staff?! The most powerful weapon on the world is in the possession of your sister???" Questioned the old man.

"Yes??" Said Serenity.

"Okay is anyone here a light element??" Asked the old man.

"Me.." replied Alora.

"Okay you can defeat her you need to aim for the staff. Don't use all your power , just shoot your light at the gem of the shadow staff. The gem will get slowly break and shatter. But it's deadly ..." Said the old man.

"I'll do anything to get my sister back" stated Alora.

"Okay well I wish you guys the best of luck" added the old man.

Days went by and as the days went on they were felt more ready to get Rosie back. That was when they were ready and went to the castle Iris was already sitting on the throne smiling. Suddenly the walls changed and they were in a completely different room and so the fight began. They didn't know whether or not they'll make it out alive but they gave it their all.

It was a difficult fight to defeat the shadow queen herself at the beginning. But Alora did what the old man said she must do however it didn't seem to work. But she kept trying. The eclipse was now gone though Iris was still stronger than ever. But soon seemed to be weaker. The shadow gem seemed to be the only thing keeping her strong at that moment. Iris summoned shadow beasts knowing she was getting weak. The beasts kept coming but they were getting defeated. Elie fought with Iris and she was shocked to see he changed sides. But she knew he was a good for nothing loser. Iris knocked Elie to the ground with a powerful blow.

He was badly injured and could barely stand with falling to the ground. As Iris was about to finish him off , Emily jumped in between them and stopped Iris just in time. Elie fell unconscious as Leona dragged him to a safe place. His head was bleeding as she used a scarf to try and stop the bleeding. "Go help the others don't worry about me" Elie said. Leona seemed hesitant at first but nodded her head seeing Emily struggling with Iris. Alora kept aimin her shots at Iris's staff but then saw Elie and ran to him but a shadow beast knocked her over. Artemis killed the shadow beast with her sword which was glowing. She help Alors up luckily Alora wasn't badly hurt and could stand.

As the clouds began to darken Iris eyes began to turn black. As the dark spirit took over more control of Iris. As the thunder began to form Alors used all the power aiming at the staff trying to break. The shadow gem finally broke leaving her body putting it to rest. The gem now shattered , no longer there. The dark spirit was destroyed along with the gem. Rosie fell unconscious as Noah picked her up. The sky was now bright and the castle was back to his original form. Emily rushed over to Elie whose eyes were closed but he was still breathing but very slowly. Heli and Michael picked him up bringing him into the castle so that Alora can see to him. Elie was badly injured along with everyone else. But Alora fixed them quickly. While Noah stayed with Rosie who soon woke up.

"Noah ?? " Rosie said as she sat up.

"You're up??" Smiled Noah as he hugged her.

"I'm....I'm so sorry" she cried.

"It's okay it wasn't your fault.." Noah said as he hugged Rosie tighter.

Suddenly Alora walked in and saw what she just walked in on and left saying she'll come back later to fix Noah and Rosie but they called her back. She fixed them and left soon after. Everyone rested after as everything went back to normal. Everyone was happy the kingdom was filled with laughter and smiled instead of crying and tears. Serenity said Iris should be the queen but she was hesitant at first knowing what she put everyone through. But everyone agreed with Serenity. So she said yes and became the queen.

Months later Noah told her to meet her at the tree in the castle garden she didn't think anything of it and went. She walked in to see him with a bright smile on his face. She smile and walked over to him , he held her hand and got down on one knee. "Iris we've been through so much together. Even when you were possessed I knew you still loved me so I want to spend the rest of my life with you will you marry me??" He confessed. Iris was holding back tears and said yes. Few days later they were married and became the king and queen of their kingdom with all their friends and family supporting them.

But is this really the end of their adventure?? I'd think not.

Note: ill definitely be making a new part for this story.

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