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"They should be here" said a faint voice.

"Hide, quickly" whispered Alora while she pushed Serenity behind the trees.

"We know you here!!" Yelled Iris.

Shadow then teleported then and back to Iris's room. Iris walked up to Serenity and touched her hair and suddenly got a memory of them together.

"What's your names??" Asked Iris.

"Serenity" replied Serenity with a firm voice.

"Guards take them to the rooms with magical locks and don't you dare try to betray me!!" Yelled Iris.

"Okay" said Serenity and Alora.

At night:

Iris kept having dreams that she kept tossing and turning unable to sleep. She pulled the blankets to the side, as she stood up annoyed. She went to her mirror and said "show me Serenity and Alora" then the mirror showed her the sisters talking.

"I see you put them in that room" said shadow.

"Oh come out!!How long have you been there??" Asked Iris as she kept looking at the mirror.

"Since you got out of bed.." he replied. "Anyways it turns out they are actually your siblings but Serenity is the heir to the throne.." he added.

"So then I'll have to get rid then-" stated Iris before Shadow intrupped.

"It's not that easy. Turns out she and her friends almost defeated the previous queen's sister, Annabelle" said Shadow.

"Their powers??" Asked Iris.

"Hmm telekinesis and water for Serenity but she doesn't really know how to use the water element and for Alora nature and ....light..." Replied Shadow.

"Light?! That's the second powerful to shadow.." added Iris surprised.

"We could defeat them by taking their powers from them.." suggested Shadow.

Later that night she kept having dreams about .....NOAH?! She thought he must be important then she had a memory of Noah giving her the necklace. "So he gave me this" she said.

"Shadow could you come here for a sec.?" Asked Iris.

"What do you want??" Asked Shadow in a sleepy voice.

What are you wearing ?? Asked Iris as she saw his pajamas with colours of pink and purple.

"Shh don't judge my pjs but what do you want ??" Asked Shadow still ABIT sleepy.

"Take this to that guy named Noah" said Iris as she handed Shadow a note and a box.

"Why though?? You know what I don't want to know" he added as he was about to leave.

"Also give me his record I need to know who he is.." she stated.

Shadow teleported himself to Noah's room window( how did he know which window is Noah's ??). He banged on the door and left the note with the box for Noah to find. Noah opened his window to find the box and the note. He opened the note and read it to himself.

"Dear Noah"

I'm sending this letter because I want you to meet me at the lake tomorrow evening. I expect you to be there. Come with the item I have given you" he said letter the letter.

"She sent me something" he smiled.

The next evening came faster just as Noah wanted. He was so nervous and excited to see Iris again. He went to the lake and saw her there.

"You came.." she said as she turned around.

"Uhh yea I wasn't gonna miss this opportunity to see you again.." Noah replied.

"Oh uhm I see you're wearing the necklace I gave" she added trying to hide her smile.

"Yep so Why'd you ask me to meet you??" He asked.

"Your father was Nicholas Matthews right???" Iris asked.

"Yea how'd you know??" He asked.

"He was a powerful man but you killed him after he killed your mother. You were blinded by your anger,after witnessing your mother's death. The only thing you thought of was to kill him, avenge your mother because you blamed yourself that she died cause she stood infront of you to protect you from getting stabbed. But she got stabbed in the process" Iris stated.

"What the hell?? How do you know this ??" He asked.

"Then you served Annabelle to grow stronger and to try to get rid of your father's spirits. Your magic wasn't powerful enough but she knew what you were after. Annabelle gave you what you wanted even though she the power to already,she wanted to see what you were capable of. Then you met a girl and fell inlove and swore to protect her though it meant going against Annabelle." Iris ended her story..

"Iris I never told you any of this how'd you know ??" Noah questioned.

"Now why don't you do that now??" Asked Iris.

"What Iris??" Noah said confused.

"Noah!! Leave before she controls me again !!" Added Iris (in control).

"Whose controlling you??" He asked.

"The gem!! It has a former shadow holder's spirit trapped inside it. Making who ever is in possession of it be controlled. Please leave I can't lose you too!!!" Yelled Iris as she made a portal to Heli's house pushing Noah inside.

"So what happened with Iris???" Asked Heli.

"She's being controlled..." Said Noah.

"Noah wait a sec Where'd you get this necklace??" Asked Michael.

"Iris gave it to me" he replied.

"Did she say anything about it ??" Asked Michael.

"No why??" Noah asked.

"I think I've seen it before" stated Elizabeth.

"When did you guys get here???" Asked Oliver.

"Few minutes ago" said Daniel.

"Where's Luke??" Asked Elizabeth.

"Don't know haven't seen him in a long time" stated Oliver.

They went to find luke but she wasn't anywhere in the house nor in the forest or by the lake. They spilt up into two pairs of teams. He was no where to be found.

"Noah can I see that necklace for a second??"  Questioned Elizabeth.

"Sure.." said Noah.

Elizabeth took the necklace and opened it to find a dark purple gem inside. She took the gem out for the necklace and when she placed on the surface, it turned into a crown!!

"Noah put it on!!" Yelled Elizabeth.

"Uhm sure.." said Noah unsure as he put it on. Suddenly he had a vision of where Luke was. Luke was in a some type of cave looking for something or should I say someone??

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