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"Noah ?? What are you doing??" Questioned Rosie.

"I-Nevermind ..." said Noah as he let go of Rosie's arm.

Rosie and Noah left the room and went to get stuff they will need like food, water , flashlight ect. Once they got the stuff they went down the hole. But they left it open and someone else got in.

"That was tiring.." said Prince Oliver.

"Well all that matters right now is Nova so we got to go find her!!" Stated Alice.

This place was dark with little bits of light. They came across a kingdom in ruins when looking around for Nova. Rosie stepped closer activating something. The ground shaked as they fell to the ground,soon getting separated from each other. Rosie stood up seeing Nova in front of her looking different...

"Nova?? Is that you!" Yelled Rosie happily.

"You should stay away from him.." said Nova.

"Huh?? Who ??" Asked Rosie.

"Noah" stated Nova.

"Why?!" Asked Rosie.

"His still the son of a villain he is not??" Said Nova.

"So what?? That doesn't mean I should stay away from him I think I might actually love-" said Rosie before Nova intrupped.

"I just want to protect you!! Rosie what happend he leaves you or hurts you!!" yelled Nova before disappearing into thin air. She wasn't Nova but a fear Rosie had in her heart. This place must be a place where your deepest fear or regret is tested. Even though she knew that Rosie couldn't get the thought out of her mind..what if he actually left her??

With Noah:

There he was the person Noah never wanted to see again in his life,his father.

"Father?? What do you want ??" Asked Noah.

"Oh can't I spend time with my beloved son.." added his father.

"Im your only son father,oh wait you don't even deserve to be called my father after what you did!!" Shouted noah.

"Ouch you hurt my feelings what would your mother think of this??" Smirked Noah's father.

"Don't you dare bring her up!!" Yelled Noah.

"Why shouldn't I??"asked Noah's father.

"You killed her!!" Exclaimed Noah holding back his tears.

"(Sighs) well ..it wouldn't have happened if she tried to save you" laughed Noah's Fathers as he disintegrated.

Noah felt the guilt and a voice saying "it's your fault" over and over again to the point he collapsed.

With Prince Oliver:

"Where am I???" Asked Oliver in fear.

Nova then appeared Infront of him,walking closer to him.

"Nova?? Where were you ?? I was so worried !!"yelled Prince Oliver as he embraced Nova.

"Why didn't you protect me?" She questioned. Letting Prince Oliver's smile drop with the question.

"W-what do you mean?? I didn't know ....I'm so so sorry !!" Prince Oliver cried.

Nova then disappeared but Prince Oliver was still uneasy.

With Alice:

"Rosie,Noah,Prince Oliver!!! Where are you guys ???" Asked Alice worried.

"Alice !!" Yelled ???

"I know that voice ....MOM!!" Shouted Alice seeing her earth parents in front of her. She hadn't seen them in a long time but she knew it wasn't real at that moment. Because her parents weren't real....!!!! They were shadow beings. How'd Alice know though??? Well thanks to her power she saw the memories of Annabelle and saw Annabelle make her so called 'parents'
and sent them to kidnap her and her sisters at a young age but Alice unfortunately didn't see anymore as to explain why Annabelle would do that... Alice didn't tell her sisters which she deeply rejects.

"You're not real !" Yelled Alice looking them straight in their eyes. Slowly they had a creepy smirk on their faces that said it all.

"Oh my dear you have no idea what's coming....be prepared" laughed the father as they faded away.

The way he said that sent chills down Alice's spine. What could Annabelle be doing ?? Of course Annabelle was behind the disappearence of Nova but why?? Why Nova exactly??. Then suddenly everything went black and soon they all woke up in Nova's bedroom, including Nova. They all looked at Nova who was confused.

"Nova what happened to you ?? " Asked Prince Oliver.

"I don't know I was sitting on my bed when you went to the door and then everything went black...." Stated Nova.

"..... Annabelle" said Alice aloud without realising it.

"Alice what did you just say?" Asked Noah.

"...." She replied

"Was it Annabelle who did that??" Asked Rosie.

"I think so.." added Alice.

"Whose Annabelle??" Asked Prince Oliver.

Noah then explained to Prince Oliver about everything Annabelle has done to the queen.

"Wait so the queen and Annabelle are sisters??" Questioned Prince Oliver.

"Yep Annabelle is the queen's older sister but the queen was crown before Annabelle as she was more responsible than Annabelle ever was" added Noah.

"Woah but wait I heard the queen lost her children what's with that??" The prince asked.

"Oh um.. I don't know I think someone kidnapped the queen's children but they were never found they should be at least 16-18 years old " added Noah looking kinda nervous.

"Oh okay .." said Prince Oliver noticing Noah is nervous

Suddenly Alice remembered someone.

"I have to go I have to check up on something bye !!" She said and practically ran out of the room. Rosie and Nova followed her to see her enter a room that no one really goes in. They already knew about the guy but now they wanted answers. Then they saw him, Nobody.He looked kinda happy to see Alice...

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